Night Light

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Okay, I spent half an hour trying to find a good picture for this one. Suck it up

(Tony and Steve had gone out the day before and gotten the last of everything they needed just saying in case your confused)

and Pete is said Peet :)


Tonys POV


When they got back home Tony and Steve took Peter straight to his room, it was still light out but he had fallen asleep in the car and was refusing to wake up. The two found it funny how the boy was better at sleeping than his new dad. Steve set him down into the cot and closed the door behind him.

"Jarvis, can you turn on the baby monitor?" Tony said loudly.

"Certainly, sir."

Steve and Tony hurried into the lounge so as not to wake Peter. They sat down on the couch and grinned at eachother, watching TV until it got late. Finally they both went off to be, already expecting Peter to wake up and start crying, they better get some sleep in now.

They woke up later than they thoguht by Peter crying in the other room. Steve immediatly sprug out of bed like he had been waiting. Tony came over a little slower, they hurried in the room.

"Aw Peter, whats wrong?" Steve cooed, picking him up and checking his diaper, which was clean thank god. The whimpering baby pointed at the arc reactor on Tony chest. 

Tony felt awkward, what? Slowly he walked towards his husband and son, Peter looked at the arc reactor with awe, then glanced back into the darkness in the back of his room and whimpered again. Tony still felt weird around kids, like all he was going to do was hurt them, and now, with his own, he felt all the much worse. I'll get used to it, he told himself, fluffing up Peters hair.

"I think hes afraid of the dark, hun," Steve muttered. Tony nodded, but when Steve assured him it was okay and put him back in the crib, Peter just started crying again. 

"Come on then, kiddo," Tony smiled, trying to prove to himself that he could do this, and, picked Peter up. The baby cooed again at the arc reactor as Tony carried him into their room. He flicked on the lamp and set Peter down, smiling warmly. Steve settled into bed beside him and wrapped his arms around the baby. Tony dimmed the light slowly so Peter could get used to it before laying down too. Peter watched the arc reactor glow for a while before drifting off to sleep, which made Tony smile. Steve was the second one to fall asleep, but Tony refused, teeling himself that if he had a nightmare he would scare Peter, but he did fall asleep with no dreams. 

When Tony woke up Steve and Peter were gone, he could hear Peter making baby noises in the lounge, though. Tony hopped up, it was still dark out, checking his clock he regonized the time as 6:47am. He quietly hopped out of bed, slipped a new shirt on, and ambled out into the lounge. Steve was smiling as Peter played with a toy car, pushing it back and forward across the floor. Steve had also changed him into a dull maroon red onsie with blue socks. 

"Morning," Tony muttered, smiling slightly. 

"Morning! I woke up and Pete was hungry, so I got him a bottle, tried to not wake you," Steve grinned. Tony nodded and sat down beside them, thank god the floors were heated, otherwise even he wouldnt be able to walk on it. There was ice on the windows and a crisp morning dew had set on the outside of the windows, since it was so warm inside and so cold out.

Peter made some sort of baby noise when Tony sat down and pointed at the arc reactor with his chubby little baby hand. 

"Uh, yeah, its the arc reactor, kid," He muttered, honestly still not knowing what to do with this child infront of him. Steve laughed at the confused face Peter made before the baby turned back to his toys. He got up and started making a coffie for both of them and carrying it over to Steve. He made sure to put Steves drink in an iron man mug, because he knew that annyoed him.

When he came back in the lounge Peter had crawled over to the TV and was staring at it intently, Steve turned it on and put on Adventure Time. Tony sat down on the couch, handing Steve his mug. He glared at him out of the corner of his eye and Tony winked, sparking a smile from his husband. Peter sat up, staring at the TV with wide eyes as he held onto his little feet, rocking back and forth slightly. 

He didnt want to say, but he did think the baby was adorable, with his little feet and little face and little nose.


Steves POV


Steve watched Peter rock back and forth infront of the telivision, before sipping on his coffie. Tony always made it just right, but the Iron Man mug always tipped him. Stupid mug. 

When an episode of the show he had turned on was over, Steve picked up Peter and carried him into the other room to change. He changed his diaper and cheekily put him in a captain america t-shirt he had found the other day while getting milk. He finished the look with a pair of navi blue sweatpants and carried him into the other room where Tony was. He set Peter down to do whatever he wanted and started to pick up his toys, leaving behind an owl plushie and his little red car. He looked up to find Tony carrying him around like a plane.

Peter was giggling and laughing as the brunet swung him around slowly. Steve noticed he was making sure to keep the wriggling baby in his hands and not let him drop to the ground.

"I noticed the shirt," He smirked, putting Peter down as soon as he noticed Steve was watching. 

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