Hermione Granger

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Hermione was confused

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Hermione was confused. She couldn't understand what she was feeling, and why she was feeling it towards someone like, well you. You and Hermione had been friends since you first met, and she couldn't understand why she suddenly started noticing the way your eyes would light up when you smiled or the way your laugh was like music to her ears. Ron and Harry constantly stated that she fancied you, but Hermione kept on denying it. And, the reason behind that was as easy as, she didn't want to ruin your friendship.

She was lost in you again. Hermione found herself in that state quite often. Studying everything about you, and memorizing your beautiful features. Her face was blank and her mind was closed off form the real world. "Oi! Hermione!" She was snapped out of her thoughts by Ron's voice, and by getting a piece of toast thrown at her. Her head whipped around while glaring at her redheaded friend.

"What, Ronald?" She asked annoyed.

"You were staring, again." He smirked.

"Oh, shut up will you!" Hermione turned your way again. But, when she turned around, she noticed you were looking her way. When your eyes met, Hermione couldn't help but blush. Sending a smile her way, you couldn't help but chuckle at her cute reaction. She smiled softly back while blushing even more and her eyes found their way to the floor. Standing up, you made your way over to the Granger girl. "Excuse me, Hermione. Hi! We haven't talked in a long time. How are you?" You asked while bringing your friend in a hug.

"Um, I — I'm fine, thank you." You could hear Ron snicker at her answer. "Um, say, you wouldn't be doing anything this Saturday?"

"No, I'm actually free then."

"Great! I'm taking you to Hogsmade then."

"To Hogsmade?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to hang with you again! I'll see you then, for our date." You winked at her and then went back to your other friends to enjoy your lunch, leaving the Granger girl dumbfounded and even more confused than she was before.

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