The Visit

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After we all shared our memories it was time to go home after a quick patrol it was off to bed for me. however around midnight I heard some weird noises in my room I flicked on the light only to find Kitty and its friend.

"Kitty, Mike Wazowski?" I said.

"She does remember us Mike I cant believe it its really her and she remembers us. Hey Boo!" Kitty said.

"Kitty how did you find me?" I asked.

"We saw that nobody in Paris had a monster so I volunteered to be yours and well me and Mike are a team so here we are we didn't know that it was you until you called me Kitty though." Kitty said.

"Wait when I said BOO!All those years ago you mistook it to be my name my name is actually Marinette. I can't believe it so here to collect some screams because sending the two of you won't get any screams all that would probably be collected would be laughter. " I said.

"So Marinette do you remember the excuse I made up so me and Kitty here could get you back through your door and back into your room." Mike said

"PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM OR SO HELP ME SO HELP ME!" I sang with Mike and I just started laughing so hard.

"wow Marinette you filled 7 canisters with your laughter well now we've got to go but well be coming back every night."Kitty said.

"I look forward to it but what happens if I'm at a friends house or If I have a friend over I need someway to let you know." I said then Kitty gave me this bracelet that if I pressed a button I would be able to talk directly to kitty.

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