A part of me didn't want to admit it. "Speaking of which, what is that stuff going on? Drew doesn't tell me anything unless I beg or bribe it out of him," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Same with Layton! Sometimes I have to get the answers out of Levi since Layton wouldn't tell me. Oh, and it's some hunters who keep hunting him down because his parents want him back in the throne. Also Karla and all but I don't really get most of it," I told her.

She nodded thoughtfully. "They're hunting Layton down because they want him on the throne?" she questioned. I nodded and she sighed. "This is all my fault. If I hadn't met Drew then he would be the one sitting on the throne and you guys wouldn't be hunted down."

"Don't say that! Even if Drew did have the throne, I doubt he would be happy. I mean, his eyes were practically glued to you the second he walked in. I could tell he really cares an awful lot about you. Besides, if it weren't for you he would be with that witch Karla," I told her.

She groaned. "Oh, her. Damn, I really thought she would have gotten over it by now," she whispered mostly to herself.

"What happened with her anyways?" I asked. I wanted some answers, and she seemed like the only person who was willing to tell me the entire story, not just some parts of it.

She cleared her throat. "When I first came to the castle, she was together with Drew. I instantly knew what he was to me the first time I saw him but I knew I couldn't tell anyone because then I would most certainly get killed. Karla sorta figured it out but she only suspected that I had a slight crush on him, and she made it her life mission to make my entire stay there hell. Whenever I came into the room she would make out with Drew thinking it would hurt me, if only she knew how much it really destroyed me on the inside."

"Wait," I interrupted, making her look at me. "So you knew he was your soulmate, but he didn't know you were his? How exactly does that work?"

"Girl vampires find their soulmates through sight, males find theirs through touch," she explained.

Oh. Don't exactly know how that works but she knew more about this than I did so it was best to just sit and listen. 

"Anyways, back to the story. So yeah she tortured me with that while I did my best to avoid contact with him. Then one day, I was dragged into this ball kind of thing. It was a masquerade theme so I easily hid there once I disguised my scent. On an act of complete stupidity, I ran into him and just like that he knew. Well, more to be exact he didn't know it was me since I had a mask on, but he knew that I was there."

"I didn't see Karla anywhere, so I figured that it was safe to just be with him. That's all I wanted, just to be with him for one night without having to worry. Back then, to me that was too much to ask for so when I got the chance to be with him freely, I took it without thinking about the risks that were involved. We talked, we laughed, we hung out, it was the perfect night, minus the fact that he didn't really know who I was."

"But, good times never last. While he was making a speech, Karla and a few other desperate vampires tricked him that she was his real soulmate. I don't know what it was, but he actually believed them and...just seeing them on that stage and watching her...and then he wasn't doing anything about it, it just...it completely shattered my heart," she said, her eyes glistening from tears.

I was completely hooked on the story and was leaning forward. "So then what did you do?" I asked.

She wiped away a stray tear that fell. "I did what any other girl would have done in my situation. I ran, I cried, I ran, then I cried some more, before moving on and trying to pretend that nothing happened that night."

Not sure other girls would have done that but I was too focused on the story to think about interrupted her again.

"Key word here is trying. Drew found out they were tricking him and got pissed, to put it lightly. He was probably having a good day because he didn't kill them, only banished them. Karla was pissed but I wasn't gonna try and help her. He began searching for me, even when I was right in front of him, and eventually he found me. So he confessed his love to me, I revealed myself, his parents got mad, we got banished, and here we are," she finished.

I knew she was leaving out something that happened after the others got banished but judging by her expression, I knew it wasn't a good idea to ask her what it was. Instead, I smiled and thanked her for sharing that story to me.

Now that I knew exactly why Karla was mad, it made it easier to figure out how to get her no longer that angry at me, or Layton or whoever she was angry at. "Why won't the king and queen let Drew take the throne?" I asked.

"Please, like they would after knowing me. I know you know what I am, so I won't bother to repeat it. Not that the king and queen are bad people, but they're stuck in their ways, you know? It's hard getting them to change their opinions on anything, even when the rest of the world has."

"What do you mean?"

"I've proved to them again and again that I could control myself, and that I wasn't as bad as the dhampirs that they had a war against hundreds of years ago. But no matter what I do, they'll never change their ways. They're more traditional, and the tradition is to hate my kind, and so they do. I can't blame them, I hate what I am sometimes too."

"Well I happen to love what you are so it's no use in hating it," a voice coming from up the stairs said. Just like that, Sabrina's sullen expression suddenly disappeared and her entire face brightened up. We both turned towards the stairs to see Layton and Drew come down.

Drew took a seat next to Sabrina while Layton took one next to me. "Where's Levi?" Layton asked, looking around the room. I shrugged before seeing Levi come out of the kitchen with an empty blood bag in his hand.

"You're gonna want to get some more mate," he said, tossing the empty bag to Drew before taking a seat in one of the couches. Drew glared at him while I resisted a laugh that was trying to escape. Levi must have been gone for more than an hour and all he was doing was stuffing himself up with blood?

Can't vampires get fat from that? "You're seriously begging to get kicked out aren't you?" Drew asked, shaking his head at him disapprovingly.

"Kick me out then. See how Sabrina likes it."

"Actually that was my blood bag so I'm okay with that," she said, holding her hands up.

Levi scoffed and crossed his arms across his chest. "Well, I never..."

"So have you guys come to a decision or agreement?" I asked. Layton looked surprised at me but nodded his head. 

"Yeah, we did."

"So what is it?" Sabrina asked.

"If mom and dad aren't going to be assholes towards Sabrina, then I'll try and take the throne back. If not, then Layton is going to man up and take the throne himself," Drew said, making Layton snap his head towards him.

"Hold up, that wasn't the deal-"

"Either way, we agreed those are the only two options that don't result in someone dying," he pointed out, making Layton sigh.

Everyone seemed to have come to the same conclusion since no one bothered to try and put out another idea. Levi made a groaning or whining noise making our heads snap towards him. "I was just on a plane ride for six hours, I'm not going through that to get to South America," he stated.

I didn't say anything, but I was silently siding with Levi on that one. I didn't exactly want to go on another plane ride too. "Then what exactly do you plan to do then?" Layton asked.

"You could train me," the words left my mouth before I even had time to register them.

Even if I wasn't planning on it, I wasn't going to take that request back.


So my dog is being operated on for something involving his gums. I'm not sure if he'll be able to eat after surgery since I was zoning out durin the vet visit....now I feel bad.

Anyways, tell me what you think about the chapter so far! School is starting soon so I'm trying to write as many chapters as possible before my schedule becomes too much

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