Chapter 2

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Y/n pov

I was sitting in the laboratory reading when I looked to check Kari when I saw Shredder. I quietly jumped down to be next to him behind him some. I walked with he was quiet he stopped and turned to look at Kari's cell.

I stopped next to him he said putting a hand to the glass," Kari, forgive me. I should have never aloud it to go this far." I stood quiet I looked at Shredder he removed his hand from the glass then looked back Kari to see a disgusting worm thing went into Kari's head thing. She shivered then let out a slow breath.

Shredder said," I will destroy Splinter and the turtles for causing you such suffering." He paused I looked at him again he said putting a hand to the glass again," Sleep now my daughter. Your revenge is soon at hand."

At the least part he removed his hand from the glass. Beet Bop and Rock Steddy walked forward they had stood there for a bit now. Beat Bop said nervous," Um, Shredder sir?"

Shredder said annoyed looking at them," What is it?" Beat Bop said still nervous," You uh called for us sir." Shredder looked back Kari he said," I sense that the turtles are soon to make another move. Double the security, watch Kari at all times."

Beat Bop said," We are on it." Rock steady stepped forward next to Beat Bop he said," Yeah kid freak turtle ninjas will never get past the Beat Bop and Rock Steady."

Shredder had turned to look at them he said serious," Do not fail me." They bowed and quickly left Shredder turned back to Kari staring at her quietly till he said," Y/n."

I answered," Yes sir?" I looked at me he said," Don't get seen by the turtles Kaen too unless necessary." I asked," Why?" He answered," You both are secret weapons." I said," Understood, sir." I thought,' Yeah I'm left out of the fun. Yeah.'

I walked away leaving him to have alone time with Kari.


I was walking around I was about to enter the crossway with a gigantic werid boar statue till I a gun shot then Beat Bop say," Dang. We got some trepassing turtles up in here." I went against the wall and looked.

There are four turtles Beat Bop stepped aside Rock Steady said while coming in," Suprise turtle freaks. This time we squashes your turtles heads like the Blueberries." He had motioned with two fingers swishing. The blue one said," Four turtle aganist two complete morons, we got this."

Then another voice that I realised was Tiger Claw said he spun his sword around once," Well, well, well, well, I see that the gathering has just begun." The fighting began between them Tiger Claw yelled at the blue one," Leonardo, I'm going to saver tearing the shell off your body!"

Blue said loudly," You can try cat man!" I looked over to the other turtles fighting Beat Bop and Rock Steady. Orange said to Beat Bop," You want to take on my sweet moves Beat Bop!" He tried to attack him but, Beat Bop dodged Orange yelled while he attack," Bring it on!"

Beat Bop said," Picture please." Orange got hit from Beat Bop's laser bullet after trying to attack again. I groaned at the idiot I had knew Kaen was above me I waved she waved back she mouthed," That idiot." I mouthed back," I know right." I looked at the Red and Purple fighting Rock Steady. Red said," Did anyone ever tell you that Rhinos have terrible aim?"

Rock Steady grew really mad he did a battle cry shorting at them like crazy Purple and Red went behind the statue. Purple yelled to Red," You just had to tick him off!" I snickered really quietly Red got out from behind the statue throwing ninja stars at Rock Steady.

Rock Steady used his gun as a shield Red and Purple were both out from behind the statue ready to fight more. When growling was heard I looked at where it was coming from known who it was then out came Crab, Shrimp, and whatever the other thing was. I thought," Yeah it's these things."

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