Part 36; Masks Aren't Forever

Start from the beginning

My breath is quickening, the abundance of air up here little- too little for me.. Right, I need to remember to maintain a low flying height at all time.

As I land on top of a random apartment building to catch my breath, something shoots past me in a blur of red and blue.


He's in kahoots with Tony Stark right? Maybe he'll give me some information.

I press my fingers to my lips and let out a very large wolf whistle. This grabs his attention because before I know it, he's standing directly in front of me, a few feet ahead. "What's up Butterfly dude?" he asks, his hands on his hips.

"Where is Tony Stark?" I inquire bluntly.

He's taken aback and this causes him to stammer, "w-w-what do you m-m-mean?"

"You're on his team or something, aren't you? So where is he?" I snap.

"Well, Mr Stark doesn't normally... you know, tell me. He's out there... like somewhere. Where exactly? I don't, ah, I don't know," he's very confused, "why?"

"I'm going to kill him and if you don't want me to kill you either, you better tell me where the fuck he is!" I declare.

"You're... you're going to kill him," he repeats to himself breathlessly, "why?"

"That's for me to know and for you... not to know," I stride towards him and stare him down intimidatingly even if he's taller than me, "now do you know where he is or not?"

The eyes on his mask widen, "maybe, I don't know."

He's definitely useless.

I sigh and walk off, not even bothering to thank him for- wait why would I thank him? There's no information that he provided me. My legs hustle together, preparing to take off.

The sound of webs leaving his shooter and landing somewhere near me makes me cackle in disbelief. I turn around and it comes to my attention that this insect has stuck my foot to the floor. When I try to lift it, it only falls back down. It is practically glued to the floor. My eyebrows raise from underneath my mask tauntingly, "you're seriously going to use your childish tactics to stop me?"

"I don't know where he is, but I can't just let you go knowing you might do something as drastic as killing Tony Stark," he defends himself, "but I know this won't stop you."

"Indeed, it won't," I hiss, using my dagger to slice the webs in one large swing, "keep them coming, Spider Boy."

"It's Spider-Man!" he groans and shoots a web right at the dagger. The most obvious move of them all.

My wings instantly form a shield around my front, granting me defense from his taunts. I sigh as my wings come apart, "you better find better tactics."

"And you better stop making assumptions," he replies, smiling underneath his mask, "that, my friend, is a web grenade."

As soon as his sentence finishes, what's left of the web expands quickly- exactly as its name suggest, like a grenade. It consumes the whole of my right wing. When I try to bring the wing forward, it doesn't obey my commands as the left wing does.

Flash just fixed it and now it has to be repaired again.

He's going to cop it now...

To save him the humiliation of failing drastically,  I'll avoid the mind tricks and stick with the physical tricks.

I quickly deactivate my wings, so as not to serve as a nuisance. I charge towards him, dodging the webs he shoots at me skillfully, as if they're bullets. It doesn't last long though, much to my dismay. He manages to catch my arm and yank me towards him. The dagger escapes from my grasp, clattering towards the door that leads downstairs. This was a pretty bad move even if he has disarmed me and can now control my entire left arm. The problems with it? I am right-handed and very capable to use my legs. I fly towards him, legs aimed at his chest.

The Butterfly Effect: a Peter Parker Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now