Chapter 1

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"Yes sweetheart?"

"Have you seen my American History textbook?"

"I think I saw it on the coffee table."

Lily smacked her head with the palm of her hand. "Of course I left it there."

She ran into the living room and sure enough there was the missing book sitting on the coffee table. She scooped it up and carelessly threw it into her backpack. She slipped her backpack over her shoulders and jogged into the kitchen, where her dad was sitting at the table drinking some coffee and reading the newspaper. She grabbed a banana and gave Sebastian a kiss on the cheek. "I'm off. Love you."

"Love you too."

Lily raced out the door and almost collided with her best friend Steven—luckily, he jumped out of the way in time.

"Woah!" Steven said laughing slightly. "And why are you in such a hurry?"

Lily barely spared her brown-haired friend a glance as she set off down the sidewalk at a brisk pace. "I have some shit I need to take care of. Preferably before school starts."

Steven fast walked to catch up his friend. "Like what?"

"Like none of your business."

"Well you're fun."

"And that's why your my best friend." Lily gave Steven a smile that looked innocent, but screamed mischief.

They walk for a few minutes in silence. Lily took the time to appreciate the scenery. Summer had just ended and fall was only beginning. The orange and yellow leaves the pair walked on were a a clear sign of this. Some trees still held some of their leaves, but most were bare, with piles of yellow and orange beneath them. Lily shivered and zipped up her jacket, the air was also starting to get cooler, a sign that winter was just around the corner.

Suddenly Steven broke the peaceful silence. "Did you hear 'bout the transfer kids?"

Lily shook her head. She didn't really care about the news that traveled around school, all she cared about was getting decent grades.

"Today is supposed to be their first day," Steven continued. "Supposedly they're twins; a boy and girl."

"Twins, huh?" Lily replied, sounding interested.

"Yep. I hope the girl's hot, or the boy. I don't really have a preference."

Lily giggled. "Is that all you care about? Maybe they could be just friend material. You don't have to date every single cute person you meet."


By now the duo had reached the high school. Only a couple of teens had arrived as early as Lily and Steven, so they basically had the halls to themselves.

Lily dashed inside, desperate to get to her locker. Steven ran after her, barley keeping up with his black-haired friend. "Lily! Wait up!"

Lily looked at Steven over her shoulder. "Slow-poke."

"Lily watch out!"

She gave him a confused look before she collided with something hard and fell to the floor. She could hear the thing  grunt from the impact and mutter some words that were in a foreign language.

"Lily are you alright?" Steven questioned as he finally caught up with her.

She nodded her head. "Perfectly fine, besides the fact my ass hurts like a bitch."

Steven helped her up. Lily held out a hand to the girl she had knocked over. "I'm so sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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