"Wait, why are we here?" I asked as olvine walked towards us  "we're waiting here to enter the loop until the coast is clear." Emma said. "You never know who's watching" Olive said, grabbing both of our shoulders, leading us into the cave. "Wait. Before we go into what?"Jake asked jake and I shared some weird looks. "Come on, Miss peregrine saw you on the ferry and scent us to get you" Emma said and they lead us through the cave. I shivered as we passed through. Jake and I shared a look and I nodded. We glanced at the others and began to run. Making our way out of the cave.
I followed jake across the island.

Jake pulled the ugly hotel door open and we stumbled up the stairs. "Oi, what do you think you're going" A man behind the bar said. "Going to our room, we're guests here" jake replied. "Does this look like a hotel to you?" The man sneered. "Uh yeah, I mean no" i stumbled with my words feeling my self about to flicker. "We have a key, just ask the manager" jake said

"I am the manager" the man growled. "Listen to his accents he's American, probably a army" a woman said. "Yeah, listen to their accents, terrible." A man said stepping closer to jake. "He's a spy" the man sneered. "What no- no I'm not" jake said "we're tourist" I mumbled. The man glared at me and the "manager" grabbed jake by his shirt "I say we should get the truth outta him, the old fashioned way" the man hissed. I could feel myself go invisible with fear.

Suddenly plates and glasses started flying everywhere. "C'mon" a red haired girl I recognized as olive said, grabbing jake. I followed them out, as Olive stepped out she put her hand on the wooden door frame and it instantly set a flame. I scrambled after them and leaped onto the wagon sitting beside jake.

After zoning off for a while and forgetting I was still invisible I herd Emma say "wheres Y/n?" "Oh, uhh I think she's right here" Jake said looking at me. I faded back to become visible again, I +waved shyly. I than focused on a man in what looked to be a uniform of some army sort. I waved at him as we passed.

I gasped in awe seeing a beautiful house behind the trees. The wagon stopped and we All got off. We stepped up the porch, as soon as we reached the door it opened and a woman with blackish blue short hair. "Right on time, Ms. Peregrine, delighted to meet you, jake, Y/n" She said. "I hope the people from the pub don't show up, I've had to kill them twice this month" She said "millard broke some stuff, that's all. . .and olive may have started a tiny fire" Emma said. "But they where going to hurt jake. . .and Y/N" she said again grabbing millard and going inside.

Before jake and I could step in Ms. P stepped in front of us. I instantly flicked from being visible to invisible to back to being visible "Look at you two, the last time dear abe sent me a photograph of you two, you two where just tiny tots" Ms. P smiled blowing smoke from her pipe.

"Now come in your tea is getting cold" she smiled leading us in. "How did you know about the pub?" jake said as we stepped in. I zoned off for a bit, taking in the beauty of the house.

"Now thats it olive, no one enjoys over boiled tea" Ms. P said. Oliver instantly brought the pot thing off the stove and set it down. "Let me help you with those enoch" olive said. I turned to where she was looking, to see a very attractive guy with curly brown hair, jars with something in them in his hands, putting his chin on them to steady them.

"Don't bother. Wouldn't want to interrupt your tea party" he said walking off quickly. Olive quickly grabbed her gloves and followed Enoch.
So that was him. He's as moody as grandpa described in his storys. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss jake, Y/n" Ms. Peregrnie said, pulling her pipe from her mouth and blowing smoke.

Jake mumbled something I didn't quite hear. "I knew that if abe where alive, we would have told me you where coming?" Ms. Peregrnie smiled. "Shall we take this outside" Ms. Peregrnie saidtunring to the cups of tea and handing one to jake and i. I followed them out the door and saw a beatiful garden.

The Ghost's Love /Enoch O'Connor X Reader Short Story\Where stories live. Discover now