"Mai..." James trailed off, but before I could answer, his lips were already on mine. I froze for a moment, allowing him to kiss me, feeling him again after so long, but then all the memories came flooding to my head like a movie. All the good times we'd spent together and how it had all gone downhill, fighting, and what was worse... Alex.

"Wh- what are you doing?!" I squealed, pushing him off me.

"Mai, I"-

"No" I firmly stated. "Get out, James" I demanded, not being able to look at him.

"Maia, please"

"Get out!" I yelled. James eyes were shooting daggers at me, his jaw clenched like he always used to do whenever he was raging. He turned around and picked the box with his stuff, directing himself towards the door.

"Don't come running to me once you realize he was just using you, Maia" He warned, but I couldn't have cared less. There was absolutely nothing going on between Alex and me, so I would never have to worry about running into James' arms again. As depressive as it sounded, I was completely alone now.

Once James left, I immediately called Riley and pleaded her to come home. I needed someone to talk to, and she was the only one who was going to bear with me. I didn't even cry after James disappeared behind the door, I was way beyond that already. I had wasted so many tears on Alex this month that I didn't have anything left. Instead, I remained sitting on the couch, just thinking about everything that could have been if James hadn't showed up that morning I last saw Alex. There were so many things that could or could not have been...

"Maia, open up!" My head shot up in surprise when I heard Riley kicking at my door. She had never been the subtle type, but I loved her for that. I rushed to the door and opened it, instantly breaking down in tears as soon as Riley came into view.

"Riles!" I sobbed, and she automatically hugged me.

"Oh my God, Mai, you're going to be alright"

"Riles, I'm so sad, I don't know what's going on with me" I sniffed into her clothes.

"Are you kidding me? Maia, you're the toughest bitch I know, you don't need a man at all!" She exclaimed, shaking me from my shoulders.

"I'm alone, Riley"

"Maia, you're not alone. You've got me, Georgie, your family, your pets, the horses! Mai, you're entering one of the most important equestrian competitions in the UK, and you're fit to win it! You've got everything ahead of you" I nodded, trying to calm myself down.

"Yeah, yeah, I know" I cried. "I just... James came, he came for his stuff" I was stuttering on my own words, unable to properly speak. "I freaked out, Riles"

"I don't think that's the real problem here, Mai"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean" She fixed her gaze on me, and I knew exactly what she meant: Alex. "Listen, why don't we sit down and talk over some coffee?"

"Yeah" I agreed, and headed for the kitchen. After Riley had helped me getting the coffee ready, we both sat down in the living room, surrounded by my pets.

"Why don't you call him, Mai?" Riley inquired.

"I can't call him"

"That's what you think. You're just way too proud of yourself to do it, you've got to get over it already. I've never seen you this sad over a boy, not even after your break up with James, and he was supposed to be a big deal for you. If you so badly want to talk to him, just do it"

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