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Jimin walked into his math class the next day and sat down next to hosoek. "Hey hobi", jimin said. Hobi smiled, "hey chim chim". Jimin laughed and shook his head. "You got alot of names for me huh?". The bell rang and the classes started. Once again jimin and hobi got into another conversation about video games while the rest of the classes started talking as well, nobody doing any work.

Hosoek made a joke that caused jimin to burst into laughter. Jimin hit hobi playfully in the arm and hobi smiled brightly at him. Jimin suddenly thought of jungkook and wondered where he was. He didnt wonder much longer when he turned around to see the boy staring at him and hosoek. Jungkook glared in their direction, seeming upset.

Jimin turned back slowly and listened to hobi ramble on about a certain movie. Jimin thought about what had happened the day before, the way jungkook controlled him, touched him. He wanted that again, he didnt know why, but he did.

Jimin turned back to look at jungkook, who was tapping his fingers on his desk and leaning back in his chair. Jungkook saw jimin turn around and he looked up at him. Jimin smiled, but not a normal smile, more of a smirk.

Jungkook looked around the class to make sure nobody was watching before he smirked back at jimin, along with a wink. Jimin bit his lip, causing jungkook to lick his.

The bell rang and jimin got up and left the room quickly. He entered his next class and saw jungkooks friend in the back of the class. He thought his name was namjoon or something like that.

Jimin took his seat and did his work like he was supposed to. Jimin was a pretty good student for the most part. Did his work on time, got good grades. He tried his best.

He worked his way threw the hour until the bell rang and jimin left to meet hosoek where he did yesterday. Hosoek smiled when he saw jimin, starting to make his way to the table. The small boy followed behind him and sat in the same seat he did yesterday.

Jimin said hello to the boys and joined their argument about food. Taehyung shook his head. "Hey, jimin, which one is better, meat or shrimp". Jimin thought for a minute, "i guess meat?", jimin said. Taehyung smiled and slapped the table. "I told you! Meat is better than shrimp!". Jin shook his head. "No! I! Like! Shrimp!".

The two boys continued to argue while the other boy, yoongi copied jins homework. Jimin turned to hoseok and smiled. "You got some interesting friends i gotta say". Hobi laughed and nodded, "its like this everyday".

Taehyung turned to jimin and slapped his arm softly. "Hey, give me your number, maybe we can hang out or play video games sometime".
Jimin agreed and exchanged phone numbers with the boy and smiled, happy he making more friends. Jimin looked back at hobi to continue their conversation but hobi just picked up his bag and said he had go before walking away.

Jimin frowned and watched the boy walk away, confused. The other boys turned and watch him walk away too. "Maybe hobi's a little jelly", jin said jokingly. Tae shrugged and turned to smile at jimin.

Now that hobi was gone, jimin had a perfect view of jungkook, and jungkook had a perfect view of jimin. Jimin watched jungkook, the way he would take a bite of his food before laughing and talking to the other boys at his table.

Jungkook glimpsed over in jimin direction, causing jimin to panic. Jimin turned quickly to tae and hit his arm. "So um, what kind of- what kind of video games you have?". V turned his body to jimin and laughed. "More like what video games do i NOT have". Jimin smiled and nodded his head. "Maybe you could come over this weekend, we can order some pizza or something and play all night".

Jimin could still feel jungkooks eyes on him. Jimin nodded happily and smiled at tae. "Sounds like a plan". Tae smiled and looked into jimins eyes. The two of them stayed there for a few seconds until jimin awkwardly looked away, looking over at jungkook who was taking a drink of his coke before he shook his head and chuckled.

For the rest of jimins classes he had no other friends. Most of the kids in there were all very judgmental and didnt want to be friends with him either.

Jimin walked into the locker room and made it to his locker. He stuffed his bag in and grabbed his clothes, starting to get undressed. Jimin tried to hurry, getting nervous jungkook would appear out of nowhere  again. Jimin finished putting on his shirt and quickly slide on his pants. He closed his locker and started walking away until he realized he left his shoes in the locker.

He went back to the locker and tried opening it but he messed up and had to start over. Jimin was getting nervous, causing him to keep messing up. By this time everyone else was out of the locker room.

He finally got it open and slide on his shoes while walking away. He turned the corner but was stopped quickly when he ran straight into jungkook, running his face into jungkooks chest. Jimin backed up slightly while the smell of jungkooks cologne pleased him.

Jimin looked up a jungkook who smiled down at him. "H-hi", jimin said quietly. Jungkook looked away and chuckled. "You trying to make me jealous?", jungkook said, staring down at jimin.

Jimin looked around, avoiding looking at him. "Why would i do that?". Jungkook grabbed jimins face with one hand and forced him to look up at him. "Then what was that little stunt at lunch?". Jimin continued to get chills down his back from deepness of his voice.

Jimin tried to look away again but jungkook only held him there. "I-i didnt do anything, i was just talking to my friend", jimin said nervously, his voice cracking. Jungkook slowly let go of jimin. Jimin backed up quickly and ran his back up into the wall.

"You scared of me?", jungkook said, walking closer to jimin. He brushed some hair out of jimins face. "You should be".

"Why do you act like this? Why are you so tempted to have control over me?", jimin said looking at him. Jungkooks smile faded and he shook his head. "Im tempted to do a lot of things jimin, especially to you".

Jimin was in shock. Why was jungkook saying all this stuff when they've only know each other for 2 days.

"I dont know what is it about you....but i- i want you really bad park jimin". Jungkook whispered into jimins ear. Jungkook backed away and scratched his head before looking back at jimin, pushed up against the way. "What the fuck is it about you", jungkook said angrily.

"Why the fuck do i want you like this? Im not that type of guy.....i dont like boys, i like girls, i do shit with girls and then thats it! I dont feel this way with girls", jungkook said, his face getting red.

Jungkook walked back up to jimin quickly. "What the fuck is it jimin!?". Jimin flinched at the yells and feeling jungkook cup his face. "I dont know!", jimin yelled back, closing his eyes.

For a minute it was silent, and jimin opened his eyes.  Jungkook stared at jimins lips, but backed up and walked away.

Right before he left the room jimin yelled unexpectedly. "Jungkook!".

Jungkook turned around and looked at jimin.
Jimin thought about what he was going to say, but decided not to. "Never mind..", he said looking down. Jungkook wanted to go back and find out what jimin was going to say, but instead he just kept walking, leaving jimin against the wall.

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