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Toshiro hitsugaya was boy raised by wolves.
When he was barely a year old his mother left him alone in a vast forest. There was were hitsugsya story began.

However in order to understand Toshiro story we must first understand his mother, Yuki hitsugaya story.


Yuki hitsugaya pov

White pure white delicately crafted snowflakes rained down from large stormy clouds. The cool wind rippled through my pure white soft fur as I rushed forward. Breath coming in short puffs out of my muzzle like smoke from a pipe.
A shrill scream of panic cut through the air as my heart raced. Paws raced furiously across the snowy floor, tracks fading almost as fast as they appeared.

"Please let me make it, please let her live", I desperately begged in my head.

Finally after what seemed like ages I arrived at a snow covered clearing. In the middle stood a majestic chestnut furred wolf, hovering menacingly over two bodies.
My heart stopped in my chest as I gazed tearfully at the seen before me. I could only picture what would happen next, jaws opening he'll rush to me and then blood as my lifeless body falls onto the cold ground. Only a few paces away from my own mother and sister cold lifeless bodies.
My body froze in fear as I braced myself hoping for an quick death. Only then in that one moment when I had given up all hopes of living did I notice. The faint raise and fall of their chests.

" Mom " I cried out full of disbelief!

Walking down the long, dark trail my claws click clack against the cold, rocky ground.
Finally I arrive.

I lowered my head as I entered the den. Sprawled across a fur covered rock layed a majestic, peacock blue wolf.

" You want to be human ", stated the wolf.

"Yes", replied Yuki.

"Are you willing to pay the price ", questioned the wolf her voice echoed through the room.

With a moment of hesitation Yuki replied " I'll do whatever it takes", her voice resounded with confidence.

" Then so be it."

Flashback over

Yuki made deal with a witch and sacrificed her life as a wolf forever and became a human.
You are probably thinking that she did that for love. However this is not the tale of the little mermaid.

A month before she made the deal, Yuki saw her siblings and parents die right in front of her. Throats ripped open, blood staining the snow and standing in front of their corpses lay her uncle. Yuki has many nights, full of nightmares about her heartless uncle. The memories of that day haunted her day and night like an unwanted ghost. After many restless nights she made up her mind.
Toshiro mother knew that in order to survive she needed to be strong. And if as a wolf she didn't have that power then maybe as a human she would.

When she first became human she could not speak or even read the human language. She spent her time stealing and learning about the human world. Eventually her work payed off and she became a successful business woman, fall in love, had a kid and was expecting another.
Happy and successful she wanted nothing to do with her old life. She told nobody about her life as a wolf, not even her husband. However that was her mistake.

When their second son was born she knew something was off. Maybe it was his scent or his brilliant white hair. Not wanting to admit the truth she played it off as stress and exhaustion. However the little voice in the back of her head was telling her that this kid was not just human.

3 months later
Her husband was at work and Jushiro ( her oldest son ) was at school, she was currently feeding her youngest son toshiro. Toshiro just finished the warm bottle of milk, as she stood up and headed to the kitchen to put it back.
However when she came back she was beyond shocked. That was when her worse fears confirmed true. There sitting under the pale blue blanket he was swaddled in lay two snow white ears.

Not wanting to have any connections with her past. She tried her best to keep it a secret.

The funny thing about secrets are that they are always somehow revealed in the end.

A year later
Toshiro had just turned 1 when his mother knew that she couldn't hide it anymore. Toshiro father was getting suspicious. She could no longer pass of the appearance of ears and a tail as a result from too much work. It was quite obvious that toshiro was half wolf.
Patiently she waited for the school bus to come take Jushiro to school. Finally it came, as she calmed her heart down she mentally prepared herself for what's coming. Gathering up every single speck there was of her courage, she stood up.
She walked down the hall before making a sharp turn left. Stopping in front of her husband's study. As she held Toshiro tight, her whole body rigid was a mixture of fear and nervousness. She lifted her hand and rapped lightly on the wooden door.
Opening the door toshiro father stood shocked as she slowly pulled toshiro's hood back revealing 2 Snow White ears.

After explaining everything from start to finish they came to a quick decision. It was simple cut Toshiro away from their life, and go back to how it was.

Waking up early in the morning, Toshiro mother dressed quickly preparing herself for what she was about to do. Kissing her oldest son good bye she left. She drove to the nearby forest, and left Toshiro wrapped in a blue blanket alone at the edge of the forest. Giving Toshiro one last kiss she left. She had no remorse. For she did not wanting to go back to her life as a wolf. Without a single glance back she drove off. Leaving behind her last connection to her past.

Unknowingly a wolf just happened to see it all.

Please correct me if my grammer or spelling is wrong. Flames will be used to bake cookies. Comment and review please.

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