Chapter 5: Busy Day

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"Nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)" You chirped, doing your best to give him a genuine smile. It must've worked because his scowl softened and a small semblance of a smile curled the corners of his lips.

"This is Mr.Tsukauchi, a friend of mine from the local police force."

"Nice to meet you," he took your hand in his, shaking it firmly and excitedly.

"The pleasure is mine. I'm excited to work with you. Toshi has been telling us all about your quirk."

"And this is my sidekick, Sir Nighteye!" He gestured to the green-haired man beside him.

"Nice to meet you!" You said nervously, holding out your hand to introduce yourself. He looked at it form a moment, arms crossed with no intention of uncrossing them. He looked like he was appraising you, determining whether you were worth his time or not. You shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, pulling your hand back to yourself and looking away as everyone stared at the two of you uncomfortably.

"We were just making our plan of action. Why don't you have a seat?" Toshi broke the awkward encounter, waving his hand towards the empty chair on the other side of him.. You quickly sat down, hoping that they didn't realize you'd been eavesdropping before you entered.

"Well, Toshinori. Have you told her everything?" Gran Torino asked. The small man almost seemed to scare the number one hero, it was almost comical.

"Well... I... not all of it."

You looked around at the men. Tsukauchi sighed and rubbed his eyes, while Gran Torino glared at him.

"So, you got her to sign up without telling her what she was signing up for? Toshinori, you fool."

"I didn't really ask her..." He dug his hole deeper.

"Then why is she here?!" Gran Torino stood up, All Might trembled a bit.

"She- I brought her here and said I'd pay her if she did it. I didn't ask her to come here, I just brought her."

"So you kidnapped her?" Night Eye said, burying his face in his palms.

"No! I just-"

"Stop! Miss, did he kidnap you?" Tsukauchi looked at you, he was utterly exasperated.

"Well... kind of? I agreed to stay though, I guess."

"And did he tell you what we needed you for?" The old man asked.

"He didn't go into detail."

"Toshinori..." The old man sighed angrily. "You need to tell her before we do anything."

"I was going to! I just didn't have the chance. (Y/N), please let me explain to you what's going on."

"That'd be great," you said with a slight nip or sarcasm. You were tired of the men ragging on Toshi, but also scared as to what you were getting yourself into. It sounded like there was more to it than just some big bad villain.

"Well... where do I begin?" His face darkened as he told the long story of a villain named "All for One", a selfish man who had been stealing the quirks of others and stockpiling them to make himself the most powerful villain ever known.

"Have you ever encountered him before?" You asked, suddenly realizing just how big and terrifying the task ahead of you was. You picked at your cuticles nervously, legs restlessly fidgeting under the chair.

"Well... yes..." You felt an aura of mourning fill the room. "The last time we fought All for One, he killed my master. I was much younger"

You didn't know what to say. He looked utterly devastated, the others did too. If the person who trained the world's number one hero couldn't defeat him, what chance did you have?

Siren Song (All Might x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora