Chapter 2

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  Hi im Lexi my friends call me jupiter because of my eyes. My best friend is Carter. My wolfs name is Nona she is a mix between a fox and wolf so she has more of a redish coat but the build of a wolf.
  Im not in her pack but we see each other constantly because im stand watch on the boarder we share with her. My brother is the alpha of this pack. He hasn't gone by the boarer i gaurd scince our mothers death but thats a story he needs to tell you. Oh hes called for my ill let him talk now.

Hello my name is Seth im the alpha of the Canine pack. We are boared by the Mist pack, the Solar pack, and the Dancing Eclipse pack. I've never gone near that pack scince my mothers death. Thats a story for another day. Ive been looking for my mate for a couple of years im 18 as of tomarrow and all the packs in the state of California are invited including the Dancing Eclipse pack (unfortunately)
Ive got to go prepare for tomarrow adios


What do you think of them and about the party 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Tell me what im doing wrong or grammer bye for now ~ Wolf

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