chapter 3 Nightmare

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~ unknown POV

she is so close to breaking...all she needs is a little push...then we will rule equestria


~ Twilight POV

I woke in a forest that reeked of rotting flesh and was coloured crimson with blood,walking deeper,I came across a clearing. Under a midnight black willow tree I saw a strangely shaped lump on the ground,walking closer I saw it was the...well,horrifically mutilated body of my brother. Holding back the vomit threatening to pass through my throat, I walked on, passing though countless tree's to another clearing. In this clearing sat the black sun herself, looking smug,staring straight at me. I charged at her,my horn glowing brightly as I focused every essence of my magic,shooting a fairly large ball of light that hit her right in the chest. Although there was no effect,she ran at me,kicking my side as she passed me. I hit a tree before standing up and used the same technique again,but this time I used dark magic. The ball surrounded her surprised figure,wrapping her in a dark black sphere before promptly exploding and covering me and the clearing in blood and a strange dark blue gunk. Looking forward,I noticed a path I was sure wasn't there before the battle,I followed it to another clearing...what is it with this forest and clearings? There didn't seem to be any surprises as I walked into the centre. So I sat own aimlessly waiting for some thing. After 5 or so minutes I began to get restless, I was about to leave before I suddenly felt I was being watched.

"Hello twilight sparkle" said a voice,directly behind me.

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