Hidden in the Dark

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Do you ever look into the shadows

The night

The darkness

And wonder:

What's out there?
What's lurking in the shadows?
What would happen if I went out there?

Then, a chill goes down your spine at very the thought.

The thought of going out there.

A place where you can't see what's in front of you.

What's next to you.

What's near.

And what's far.






*Creepy music stops*
Did I get you?


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*Creepy music continues*

Any ways, back to the story...

It's alright,

You tell yourself.

Nothing's there.

But how are you supposed to be sure?

It could be something that is very much real.

How are you supposed to know that there isn't a knife wielding maniac in the shadows?


Drug addicts?


It might be something from a fantasy.

Something of supernatural origins.

Not of this known world.

A ghost, suffering an eternity of pain.

A vampiric creature.

One covered in fur, waiting to rip you to shreds.

Or a demon, waiting to drag you down to Satan's lair, and pay for your sins.

But those are only fairy tales.

Or are they?

You have no way of knowing...

Unless you go yourself...

And live to tell the tale....

But you might not return.

Since some people go missing...

Because not everyone comes back from the dark...


Spoopy day 12!

Artober 2018Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin