The Staring Man

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Disclaimer! This story involves sleep paralysis and the untimely murder of an innocent rabbit!
Reader's discretion is advised!

Italicized sentences are my thoughts.

I wake up in my bed. My body feels completely numb. I couldn't move.

Why can't I move?

I begin to panic.
Then I realized what was happening.

Sleep paralysis.

I remember then a trick I had learned a long time ago from a YouTube video.

I just have to will the feeling to come back to body.

I started with my toes. Then moved up to my legs, and so on.

Once I was finally able to move, I open my eyes.

Something has gone terribly wrong.

I frantically look around my room.

It's dark but I know something about my surroundings is not quite right.

I quickly grabbed my phone unlock it.

It's 3:27 a.m.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Feel like something, no someone is watching me.

And slowly...

Ever so slowly...

I look up.

It's too dark, but I know it's right in front of me.

The raspy breathing isn't what gave it away.

It was at the faint sound I heard.




I turn on my flashlight, and see a pair of black dress shoes, across my room...

I slowly raise my flashlight up and see him...

A tall, lean man, wearing a black trench coat, and fedora...

It wasn't the fact that there was a complete stranger in my room that scared me...

It was his face...

His porcelain skin was a heavily textured, covered in scars, bruises, and scabs.
Some parts of his skin were inflamed and red, clearly a sign of infection.
Dark, black, twisted veins of sepsis crawled across his face.

His eyes were hollow and empty.
Almost as if they've been carved into his sockets.

But the worst part of all, was the eerie smile, plastered to his face, scratched so far and wide that it was in settling.

It looked painful.

Every feature of his face looked like it had been sculpted and carved by an amateur.

I hoped it might be a mask.
Or maybe a prosthetic.

But I knew better than that.

I knew that it wasn't a mask.

Or just a tall man wearing some creepy AF SFX makeup.

This was a beast that I had seen before.

Only in my worst nightmares...

But the worst was yet to come...

In one hand, an ornate blade, stained in a semi-matte crimson liquid.

In the other, Penny, my rabbit, her throat slit.
Her beautiful, soft, white fur stained red.


The room began to twist and bend as a loud ringing came and gave me a headache.


The face began to pull itself back, somehow managing to contort itself into it even more unsettling smile.

His raspy breathing began to get even more horrific.

And louder...
And louder...

I could hear the phlegm crackle in his throat.


I wake up in my bed panting.

Penny is there, and she's okay.

I hug her, thankful that it was all a dream.
I hope you enjoyed Artober, Day 2

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