Chapter 22

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Athena's POV:

I'm 10 years old. Dad has to go on a run with some of the Saviours. Usually I'd go with him but I'm not feeling too well. I was laid on bed and dad sat next to me on the edge of the bed. "I wish I could go with you daddy." I said a bit upset. Dad wrapped me up and said, "me too Athena sweetheart. But you need to rest. I'll be back soon, I promise." Dad kissed me on my head before leaving. "Be safe daddy." I said just as he got to the door. "Of course I will baby." As soon as dad left I dozed back off to sleep.

Negan's POV:

I've just got back from the run with the Saviours. I just wanna get back to my little girl. I told Sherry and Amber to keep an eye on her. I got to my bedroom door and saw both of them standing there. They both didn't look happy. "Ladies what's happened?" I asked concerned. They both looked at each other and didn't know what to say. So I barged past them both into my room. My Athena wasn't there. "Where the fuck is my daughter?" I yelled. "We kept checking on her and she was still fast asleep. Then when we came back again, she was gone." Amber said worried. "I asked you to do one thing! Would it have hurt for you to stay with her? Did anyone come in or out the grounds?" I yelled. Sherry shook her head. So one of the people that I saved has betrayed me and done something to my little girl. If nobody has entered or left the grounds, then my baby is still somewhere in the Sanctuary. I need to find her. Now!

Athena's POV:

I woke up in one of The Sanctuary prison cells. Why? Daddy wouldn't put me in here .... would he? When I woke up properly I realised I was stripped to just my underwear. I'm scared. I just want daddy. Then I saw a silhouette of someone standing over me. It was one of dad's men - Nathan. He crouched down and started putting his hands on me. I tried moving away but I ended up cornered. "S-stop it." I sobbed. But he just laughed and continued. I was screaming my head off, I was petrified. "Shut up!" He snarled. I continued to cry my eyes out and then the door burst open, it was Simon and Dwight and they grabbed Nathan away from me and I puked everywhere. Then I saw dad come in. "What the fuck have you done to my daughter!" Dad yelled. He saw me on the floor in practically no clothes at all and covered in puke, then he realised what happened. "Take this piece of shit down to the main hall, I'll get Athena cleaned up then I'll be down there." Dad ordered. I sat shivering like crazy and dad picked me up. "D-daddy.." I stammered. "It's ok sweetheart, I'm here." Dad carried me back to our room. "Let's get you cleaned sweetheart." Dad sat me on the bed and cleaned all the puke off me. And helped me into clean clothes.

I held dad's hand as we entered the main hall and Dwight and Simon held Nathan down. "So I go out on a run and I leave my poorly little girl in bed thinking she'd be okay! Boy was I wrong! I come back to find that this piece of shit took her, placed her in one of our cells and put his hands on her!" Dad yelled to the Saviours. "P-please. D-don't kill me." Nathan pleaded. Dad laughed. "Me? I'm not doing shit sunshine! My little girl is." What? "D-Daddy. I dunno if I can." I whispered. Dad crouched down to my level and put his hand to my face. "I know you can baby." He kissed my head and handed me Lucille. She was kinda heavy for me but I managed to keep hold. Nathan's eyes met mine. I could see he was scared. I closed my eyes and felt my arm swing Lucille on his skull. I kept hitting and hitting, even when his skull was nothing but blood and smush. Then I felt a hand gently grab my arm and took Lucille out of my hands - it was dad. He bent down as I turned around and he picked me up. "It's ok baby." He whispered. "Sherry! Amber! You two clean this up. Since it was you that should have been watching my Athena! Then once you've cleaned this shit up, go to the prison cell and clean the vomit up! The rest of you, get back to fucking work!" Dad yelled to his workers.

As soon as we got back to our room, dad put me down but I just lost it. I fell to the floor crying my eyes out and shaking. Dad picked me back up and he sat me on his knee on the bed. I wrapped my arms around dad and didn't wanna let go. I sobbed like crazy into his chest. "Hey, it's ok baby. Shhh. I'm sorry what he did to you sweetheart." Dad said guiltily. "Daddy it's not your fault." Dad got upset himself so I kissed him on his cheek. "I should never have left you sweetheart. I should have stayed and looked after you." Dad hugged me tighter.


Athena's POV:

I'm 15 and me and dad are having a chill day. We decided to watch some of our favourite films and then some board games. We played snakes and ladders, I won. We played checkers, I won. So we decided to play Cluedo. "Oo I think I've got it dad!" I said excited. Dad just looked at me suspiciously. "Get back to the middle then and see if you're right." Dad smirked. I rolled and made my way back to the middle. "I think it was .... Scarlett, in the Kitchen, with the rope!" I said confidently. Dad looked at the cards that were hidden. "You win again." He said surprised. "That's it, you're for it!!" He got up and chased me around our room. He finally grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "Dad?" I asked innocently "Yeah sweetie?" "Don't you dare fart!" I laughed. Dad chuckled and threw me on the bed and tickled me. "How do you manage to win each game?" Dad laughed. "Well I'm your daughter. You taught me I had to use strategy and well even games have strategic methods." I shrugged. Dad laughed and kissed my head. "That's my girl." he grasped me into a hug. "Want a rematch dad?" I smirked. "And have my arse kicked by you again? I don't think so darling." He pushed my face down on to my pillow, I couldn't stop laughing. "Go and get your pyjamas on baby, it's getting late." Dad pulled me up so I could get changed. I got my pyjamas on and dad was in his. I got into bed and dad got in next to me and wrapped me up. "Come here princess." Dad put his arm around me and I cuddled up to him. "Are you ok sweetie?" Dad stroked my face. "Yeah daddy." I yawned. "Let's get to sleep baby." "Night daddy, love you." "Night night Athena honey, love you too baby."


I had my head rested on dad's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me. It's been two days since Rick made us leave the infirmary just because I had a bad nightmare. "Does your tummy still hurt sweetheart?" Dad asked. "Yeah. Really bad." I groaned. "I wish I could take the pain away from you baby. It breaks my heart seeing you in pain." Dad kissed my head. Just then the cell door opened, and Rick and Rosita. "What do you want?" I sneered. "Well we need to do something to stop you from waking the whole community up at stupid o clock!" Rick snapped. I felt my head drop to my chest and tears run down my face. Dad noticed this and he abruptly got up and hit Rick. "You've no right to tell my daughter off! She's done absolutely nothing wrong. You're taking it too far by making her feel shit about herself Rick!" Then of course a fight pursued between dad and Rick. I had to do something. I leaned myself against the wall and slowly shuffled up to a standing position. Fuck it bloody killed. I took a step forward and put my hand on dads shoulder. "Daddy-" Before anything else happened I felt a force hit my face as well as my stomach causing me to fall over in pain - I accidentally got in the way of dad's elbow and it collided with my face. "Well fucking done, you've just hit your daughter." Rosita smirked. Dad told Rick and Rosita to leave and they did. "Fuck. I'm so sorry Athena darling." Dad said in a panicked tone and cuddled me. "It's ok daddy. It was an accident." "What the fuck was you doing? Why couldn't you have just stayed sat down?" Dad snapped. Well this is the first time he told me off. I sobbed like crazy. He realised he upset me and took my hand. "Hey. I'm sorry I snapped sweetheart. I shouldn't have taken it out on you." I collapsed into his arms and wrapped my arms around him. "I wanted to try and stop it Daddy. Rick really upset me when he was telling me off for my bad dreams. I didn't want him to take me away from you again." Dad had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry baby. It broke me to see that prick upset you and I just snapped. I'm sorry I told you off sweetheart." I laughed with tears in my eyes. "It's ok daddy, honestly." Dad smiled down at me. Dad lifted me up and placed him on his knee. I winced in pain, which made him feel awful but I told him it was ok. He wrapped us both up and told me to lean back, I was still sobbing. "Daddy's here baby. It's ok." He said soothingly as I cuddled up to him. "Let me look at your eye honey." Dad said concerned. "Thankfully there's no bruising. Do you feel ok?" "I feel a bit dizzy." Dad kissed my head gently. "You get some sleep darling. You might feel better. Daddy will cuddle you the whole time I promise." I smiled up and kissed dad on his cheek. "Love you daddy." I closed my eyes and heard my dad say, "I love you with all my heart Athena darling." I then felt myself doze off with my dad cuddling me, making me feel safe.

That's chapter 22 guys! I know there's a bit of a sensitive subject early on but I hope you like this chapter

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