"Focus on the Fight.": Iroh II

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{{A/N: First of all, I'd like to thank HyruleEmblem  for your request! I'm sorry for the wait!

So, basically in this, you're an outspoken firebender who enjoys teasing your superior, who, (duh) is Iroh. Typically, he shrugs it off, but it does frequently lead to you embarrassing him in front of his troops. In his defense, he's never entirely certain if you're serious when you complement him. So, she decides to turn the tides, making fun of you for once. See how that unfolds below!

Oh, and just for references sake, this takes place during the time when Kuvira took over the Earth Kingdom and planned to attack Republic City. Iroh's troops are preparing and training, but the whole vibe herein will remain pretty upbeat! It's been a while since I've seen LOK, so bear with me if there are some inconsistencies with the overall plotline of the show itself.}}

[[Lines indicate time skips, as always!]]


You smiled to yourself as you stuck your head out of the tent. Soft golden fabric parted in the gentle breeze swirling through the camp around you, carrying with it the scent of jasmine and saltwater. The sun was warm, inviting and mellow, and you noticed more than one soldier relaxing around you.

For a unit gearing up to face an invasion, you guys sure were taking it easy. You were actually kind of bored. Fortunately, you had ways of entertaining yourself. Your grin broadened as you started out, down the same manmade path twisting its way to the center of camp. You snickered, nodding a few times to the other firebenders in your squad as you passed by. One offered a lazy salute, the frothy amber liquid in a halfway raised chalice lightly spilling over the sides. He was really taking it easy. You shook your head, rolling your eyes as you continued onwards.

"Hey!" You stopped as someone addressed you directly. "{Y/N}."

"Yes?" You spun back around, searching for a face to put to the low voice which called you. "Oh. Déshì. What do you want?"

"You're not going to pick on the General again, are you?"

"Pssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." You scoffed. "No! I wouldn't-"

"{Y/N}." The higher ranking officer folded his arms, glancing sternly in your direction. "Don't do it again. He acts like he doesn't care, but he's not as immature as you are. You need to act your age. It's not very honorable to make all the jokes you do about his appearance. I bet it actually does bother him."

"Oh." You tilted your head to the side. "Does the General know how to take a compliment? All the jokes I make are about how hot I think he is."

"Do you know what sexual harassment is?"

"I'm a woman and he is my superior." You laughed. "How could I possibly be guilty of that sort of thing?"

"I didn't accuse you of it. I just don't think you know what it entails."

"Oh." You smirked. "Trust me, pure, sweet, honorable Déshì. I know what it entails. Now, get your puffed up, superior tail out of my way. I want to go talk to the General." You pushed past him, flagrantly defying your rank, undermining the authority of someone who was only halfheartedly trying to stop you.

The truth was, everyone kind of enjoyed your jokes. They were a company of men, after all.

He was exactly where you expected him to be. You pulled your hair down, tugging a maroon string out of your pragmatic updo, shaking out the {h/c} strands, inhaling as the aroma of {favorite perfume} filled your nose. Good. You were intoxicating. Irresistibility was a must in the art of seduction. Not seeing you at first, the General remained hunched over what looked like a small tower of papers, scanning over maps and charts, clearly lost in plotting the best course of action for the oncoming attacks from the great and powerful pretender, Kuvira. Several of the highest ranking officers in your ranks stood around the largest tent in haphazardly errected encampment, conversing pleasantly amongst themselves. They'd hear you. You didn't care. You did this all the time.

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