Chapter Two

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Fourteen Years Later

The bright bedroom walls had been painted with this gleeful, yellow color that livened the room up beautifully. The bed had been pushed up to the right, center of the room and it had this white comforter with these decorative yellow pillows. There was this square-shaped carpet that covered a decent portion of the room, all except the polished tile floor. There was the occasional flowering plant that sat on each of the side tables. A white, cushioned chair stood on the left corner of the room and this expensive flat screen television which played the low mutters of old country music. The room had been decorated beautifully with all these expensive appliances which had been paid for courtesy of her Aunt.

The smooth melody sang happily as she stared down at her laptop carefully completing her school projects. The project on their family's history and the origin that surrounded their last names had been assigned by Mr. Sanderson. The whole project needed to include a three-page essay with double-spaced font and a nicely decorated poster-board. It would be judged based on organization, presentation, and the overall interpretation.

The tiny, frail fingers worked themselves over the smooth keyboard as she typed her name into the search bars. 'Evagene Adriana Delilah' It took a moment and a ridiculous search for her to remember that it wasn't her given name. When she was born her last name had been changed to her mother's maiden name so that people wouldn't question the reasoning behind the absence of her parents and she shortened down her first name due to it being extremely unusual. Another search through her mind she remembered her real name, in the search bar she once again typed, 'Evangeline Adriana Blake'.

The search of her name instantly revealed the truth behind her family's history. The first link that she clicked on indicated that a baby girl had been born to one of the most influential names in history. The family owned a fortune five-hundred company that had been in the family for generations, even centuries. It also mentioned that the baby of which they had named Evangeline Adriana Blake had been confirmed deceased at birth. It is said that the baby had been delivered as a stillborn. The entire Blake family went missing right after the loss of their only daughter. The entirety of Blake family included Dalton Asher Blake, Cassandra 'Cassidy' Avery Blake, and their eldest child and adoptive son Holden Taylor Blake.

That instantly made her frown in confusion. There was absolutely no way that could be possible—absolutely none. The backspace button on the keyboard was clicked before she clicked on another link. This link included the meaning behind her birth name that had been given to her by her biological parents. The first part of her name means 'angel that serves God' or it could also mean 'messenger of God'. The second part or middle name means 'darkness' or 'server of darkness'. The origin of her last name meant 'dark' and 'light'. The message behind her name was annoyingly clear. It meant an angel and a darkness that has created a mixture.

There was another link that caught her attention with she backspaced once again. There was this bolded and italicized link that had been put under the name of 'the Blake family'. Gently pressing the mouse before reading the title 'The Truth Behind the Blake Family and All That is Left Unsaid'. The article had been written by this conspiracy theorist named Richard Callaway.

The article wrote that the Blake family and owners of the fortune five-hundred company known by the name of NFS, a major creator of some advanced technology software had a deep, dark secret. The numerous bodies and tragedies that had been connected to the company known as the NFS. It stated that after further investigating they discovered a shocking secret—that the Blakes weren't human but Nephilim. A mixture of half-human and half-angel. The man continued to rant about the solid evidence that he had proving his theory but it seemed completely ridiculous to her.

This tentative frown echoed across her beautiful face, absolutely nothing was making sense to her anymore. Those fierce and delicate features were mixed with confusion and uncertainty as she jumped up from her bed before pacing back and forth on the carpet in her room. Everything that her Aunt and her birth certificate had told her throughout her entire life seemed to be this huge lie.

"This doesn't begin to make sense." She muttered harshly under her breath as she stared down at her feet. This gnawing need in the pit of her stomach for the answers to all of her unanswered questions made her twirl her fingers together in anxiousness. "The whole, entire concept seemed completely ridiculous."

In her mind, nobody had anything to gain from her ignorance especially not her Aunt, her mother's biological sister, her own blood. Everything that she learned about her family's history finally revealed some truth. The reasoning behind her abnormally long name that had some hidden meaning and the apparent conspiracy theory. The beginning of her name obviously meant angel but the real question that concerned her which the theory confirmed. What did the darkness part mean? That was the real question on her mind.

This need to question her Aunt was strong and she had decided that she would get answers that she clearly deserved. This headache had started as she went more in-depth as she thought about all of these different scenarios that played out in her head. Everything was so jumbled up that it made it complicated for her to begin to comprehend. The deceit, the treachery, the morality, and the prosperity. It ate at her until she couldn't comprehend anything. The questions kept coming, faster and faster but the answers seemed to be unforthcoming.

'What's the truth that surrounds her family? What's the reasoning behind all the lies? Is there any truth behind everything that she thought that she knew about herself? Is her Aunt really the person that she thought she was? Are her parent's still alive or are they really dead? Will the truth behind the lies broke her or will they restore her?'  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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