We All Try [Chapter 11]

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EunYoung’s POV

“EunYoung, sit down first. Don’t keep standing.” V said. I listen to him and I sat on the seat which faces in front him. “Mr. Vice President, you said me and Mark…? You know Mark?” I asked. “Call me V. Yeah, I knew him.” V said. “How you knew each other? What a coincidence.” I said as I become excited. I met someone who knew my brother, how a coincidence in this huge world. “We knew each other since years ago. We are brothers! You and I….Bang!” As V is talking, the door suddenly open with a bang and cut off V sentences. We both turned back and saw Mark standing in front of the door. I stand up and said, “Mark? Why are you here?” I smiled. Not only I’m surprised but also V. “Kim TaeHyung.” Mark said without any expression. “Mark.” V said. I feel like he has something to say but he just choose to swallow it. “Guys, what happened?” I said and hope for an answer. “I’m bringing her back now.” Mark said to V and ignore my questions. “No! I have to work!!!” I said to Mark. “EunYoung is okay. You can come to the company whenever you want. You don’t need to work here, but you are welcome here.” V said to me with a smile. I didn’t answer but Mark did. “I will tell when the time comes.” Mark said. Obviously, he said it to V. “Well, times flies.” V said. Mark didn’t wait anymore and pull me out of the office. As we are on the way home, we didn’t say any words. Silence all the way till we reach home. After we get off the car, Mark finally open his mouth and said, “Are you curious about what V and I talking about?” He doesn’t even looking at me. He look at the ground coolly waiting for my answer. “No. If you want to tell me, I will. If you don’t, I will not.” I said. He coughed and said, “Let go in, the wind is blowing big. You will sick.” Mark said and pull me in the house.

Mark’s POV

I was afraid she was sick, and pull her in to the house. “Do you want some tea?” I asked. “If you are incidental.” EunYoung said. As I’m walking to the kitchen, my phone vibrates. I turn on my phone and check, [one message by unknown]. I pressed in and I saw, [Hey Markie! How have you been? Is you and Eunnie fine? Guess where am I!] Only this person, the only one call me Markie. A person who is very close and best with me. But EunYoung is the closest to me and the person will be the second one. Immediately I answer the message, [Lay! I’m doing good and so do Eunnie. You are back?] Buzzz…[Yes! I’m back. I’ll go and find you now.][You are welcome to my house. Come and visit us!]

After messaging, I continue to prepare the tea for EunYoung. I walked out of the kitchen with joy. “What happen to you? Why suddenly smile like you have found treasure?!” EunYoung asked. “Guess who is back?” I asked. “…..WHO?” EunYoung asked. “The one called you Eunnie…” I said. “Lay?! He is back from Paris?” EunYoung asked with a shock face. “Yeah, he is coming later.” I said. “Woah, he must be super good at dancing now!” EunYoung said. “He always is...” I said and laughed. 

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