We All Try [Chapter 4]

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EunYoung’s POV

It 9:00pm now, why Mark is not back yet? Is something happen to him? As I’m to be in a daze, the door suddenly open. It is Mark. “I’m back. Why aren’t you asleep yet?” Mark asked. “I’m waiting for you. I thought something happen to you.” I said and continue to watch my drama on the TV. “Have you eaten?” Mark asked as he is sitting down on the couch. “Yes, have you?” I asked. “Not yet.” Mark answered. “Do you want me to make some food for you?” I asked. “Can you? Thanks, Young.” Mark said. “Of course.” I smiled as I answered. I stand up and walk toward the kitchen. I have no idea where he went and come back so late. I knew he is not going to tell me even I ask and I choose to zip my mouth. I open the fridge and took out some mushroom sauce to make some pasta. He loves pasta since young and so do I.

Mark’s POV

I went to have a walk after I came out of XXX Company. I seemed to be in a trance as walk around the park, the time passed so fast when I’m walking. I look at my watch, 8:55pm. I should go home now, if not EunYoung will be worry. When I reach home, I open the door and saw EunYoung sitting on the couch. She seemed to be in a trance like me previously. “I’m back. Why aren’t you asleep yet?” I asked. “I’m waiting for you. I thought something happen to you.” EunYoung said and continue to watch her drama on the TV. “Have you eaten?” I asked as I‘m sitting down on the couch. “Yes, have you?” EunYoung asked. “Not yet.” I answered. “Do you want me to make some food for you?” she asked. “Can you? Thanks, Young.” I said. “Of course.” she smiled as she answered. EunYoung stand up and walk toward the kitchen. After she walk in to the kitchen which I can’t see her at all, I lay back to the couch and sigh. Should I tell her about the XXX Company? When the XXX Company come to my mind, I think of something. President Kim…he had changed his surname how many years after he had left us? If we recognize, should we change our surname too? I waved my hand to and fro in front my face. I should not think that far. Everything has not come to the conclusion yet. “Mark, your food is ready.” EunYoung said as she carry the pasta out from the kitchen to me. “The food smells good. My favourite pasta!” I said happily. I’m craving for pasta. “Here it is. Enjoy.” She placed the pasta in front of me and sit down on the couch to continue watch her drama. 

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