Chapter 4

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Five minutes into the zoo, Claire and Owen seemed to have kept very present in their minds that both their kids were not to be let run about without adult supervision. Or did they?

From a third person perspective, they looked like the perfect little family. The four of them were walking one next to the other, holding hands. Both parents were at the ends, Owen holding Lizzie's hand and Claire holding Manson's, both kids holding hands as well; their steps unconsciously synchronized.

Both adults had come to the unspoken agreement to try be civil, at least around the children. However, it did bother Owen how the redhead's attitude towards him had drastically shifted, and he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask about it. But first, he thought he would have to make a solid impression of his own. He had no idea what his ex had told her, and even if whatever she had said was probably true, for some reason he didn't want Claire to think of him that way, see him through the ex's eyes.

He had casually noticed her looking his way from time to time, but only because he couldn't stop himself from turning her way and admire her. You could say they both were distracted trying to avoid getting caught, engaging in a subconscious flirting game. At some point, he even made her laugh and he could swear she even blushed.

"Ewww." Manson complained, watching Lizzie picking up her nose and cleaning the dry little booger she had pulled out on his arm.

She laughed, "Tagged. You are it."

The boy mirrored her action and picked his nose, too. The piece of dried booger he had taken out of his nose was bigger than hers.

He was ready to wipe it off on her new shirt, but Claire was already reaching down with a tissue and cleaning it up before he could do anything with it.

"Please don't eat that." She watched him with disgust. She hated it when he ate his boogers. Why did kids do that? She was sure they didn't even taste good. "How can you eat that but complain your veggies are gross?" She shook her head.

Owen quietly watched her deal with this, he was pressing his lips tight together trying not to laugh.

"No. We are playing tag." Manson explained to his mom.

Claire made him blow his nose into the tissue before she dropped it into a near by trashcan, "Okay, but please...please no monkey business." She begged before letting go of his hand.

Owen did the same with Lizzie and both adults watched the kids run into the playground.

"Should we close the space?" Owen reached out offering his hand, a playful grin on his lips.

The redhead rubbed the back of her neck and watched him from the corner of her eyes, not saying a word. She offered a side smirk that was meant as a tease before she walked away from him.

Owen didn't need much, that for him was enough of a signal that it was okay to try woo her, and very much encouraged. He was not going to lie to himself, the little smirk she offered back was enough to send him through the roof; what a woman that one was.

He grinned and let his eyes fall into that curvy behind of hers watching her walk over to the snack kart near by. He found an empty bench near the kids whom were laughing and running around.

She got a couple of water bottles and headed back. She sat on the bench next to him and opened one of the waters so she could take a sip.

Owen smiled watching her drink.

"What? You've never seen a woman drink water before?" She nibbled on her lower lip, casually crossing her leg. She loved the way his eyes felt on her.

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