Chapter 12: Battle Royal!!

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Grand Priest: You may all lift your heads. For now, let us wait for the arrival of the 8th universe.

We all rose our head, I looked over at the 2 Zen-Oh's. They talked among eachother as Goku was confused on what was happening. I shifted my eyes to Caijiu as to not disrespect either Zen-Oh's and Grand Priest

Aikon: Caijiu, what's the reason for this Meeting?

I asked as she opened her eyes and looked at me

Caijiu: I'm unsure. My father just asked for all G.O.D and their Supreme Kai's and Angels to meet them immediately

Elizabeth: I-is this about what K-karayan did?

She asked with worry, I can sense the fear in her.

Aikon: I'm not sure, we just need to wait and see. Be on your best behavior Elizabeth

I said as she nodded quicky as the Two Zen-Oh's stepped forward

Zen-Oh#1: Its Been a long time, everyone

Zen-Oh#2: Well, it's the first time for me... Pleasee to meet you all

I looked to my left, Sidra was there kneeling down and to my right was empty. Liquiir was probably suppost to be there, across from there was Beerus.

Beerus: Damn You... Goku..!!

I over heard him mutter in anguish, he must have something to do with this meeting.

Champa: What the hell is this beerus?

I hear them arguing in a whisper, These two can never take anything seriously besides fighting with eachother

Champa: What's the mortal from your universe going here?!

Beerus: Don't ask Me!! How the hell should I know?!

Aikon: Can you two shut the hell up?! Honestly not 1 minute in the same area and you two are at each others throats?!

The both glared at me before glaring daggers at eachother again

Champa: Your new to being a God Of Destruction Aikon, you didn't know that Beerus's universe is always making trouble for each others universe?!

I just signed in disappointment, he always has an excuse.

Grand Priest: Oh? Belmond...

I heard that caught my attention as I looked over to see him and marcarita along with Kai but there was someone else

Belmond: Yes sir

Grand Priest: Might I ask who is that behind you?

Belmond: Not at all, this is Toppo. I was actually thinking of retiring soon, so I'm currently training him as my candidate for the next God Of Destruction. I brough him here so he can gain some experience from this meeting

Gods can do that? I didn't know that...

Toppo: It's an honor to make your acquaintance

Grand Priest: I see. Well then, please work hard so you succeed in becoming a God Of Destruction

He nodded and looked back down as I scanned the area.

Grand Priest: Well then... Welcome

He said all of a sudden before a sudden BYUU and to my right, Liquiir appeared

Ill: I...I am so sorry to keep you waiting!!

He said as I shifted my eyes and our eyes met

Aikon: Talk about cutting it close Liquiir

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