I sighed and stood up, rolling up my newspaper before lighty swatting him on the back of his head with it.

"Okay, Okay, I'm washing," he said. "Geez."

I smirked and set the paper down onto the counter.

"Is this a bad time to tell you that I'm bringing a girl home tonight?" He asked.

"A sunday?" I asked. "Seriously? You can't keep me up when I have to work the next day."

"We'll be quiet this time, I promise," he said.

"Yeah right," I said.

I went over and fixed the cushions on the couch. They were all knocked askew, most likely from a late night make out session with Frank and his boy toy. They even left beer on the coffee table, which I left for Frank to clean up. I straightened his shoes out by the door but when I looked back at the coffee table I couldn't help myself before I cleaned up that mess too.

"You're so controlling," he said. "And like a neat-freak. When we were a kid half the time of our playdates was just us cleaning and organizing your toys."

"Whatever," I said. "You were a total mess, you were always covered in dirt."

"How is it that we're both complete opposites yet we still manage to tolerate each other?" Frank asked.

"You know what they say, opposites attract," I said.

"I guess," he said. "In high school when we would hang out in my room you would just clean and organize my room."

I blushed, looking down at my wedding ring. I was still trying to get used to wearing it but it was still weird. Frank wore rings a lot but I didn't and it was odd. I grabbed the broom and began sweeping up the floors, ignoring Frank's small mocking.

"There's nothing wrong with being neat," I said.

Frank rolled his eyes and I smiled.

"At least I'm not a pig," I said.

"Hey, pigs are cute," Frank said.

I shook my head and kept working. When I was content with everything I sat down beside him on the couch.

"Done?" He asked and I nodded. "Good, I'm getting tired just watching you clean. All the vacuuming is giving me a headache, honestly. Besides, I need someone to listen to a song for me."

"A new one?" I asked.

Frank nodded and grabbed his guitar before he started playing.

"It's truth, not lies that hurts the ones we love," he sang. "So i tried my best to be good enough."

I smiled as he played but it was a bit rough and he tripped over a chord at one point.

"In the actual song it's gonna be harder and less soft," he said.

"You're an ass but you're talented," I said.

"Thank you," He said.

"It's rough but definitely getting there," I said. "Although some of the lyrics sound a bit funny, I would maybe change them up a bit."

"Thanks," He said. "I'm glad I have you to bounce ideas off of, not to get all sappy."

"I'm your husband now, you get to be a little sappy," I said.

"Those words sound weird, I never thought I would be anyone's husband," he said.

"Well, now you're mine and I'm gonna get a sweet little baby," I said. "I can't wait."

"Boy or girl?" He asked.

"I don't care, I've just wanted a baby for so long that I don't care if they're a boy or a girl," i said.

"I hope you get a boy that is as nit picky as you so you can see how much of an ass you are," Frank said.

"Oh shut up," I said. "Any more teasing and we're gonna end up looking like an old married couple."

Frank smiled and set his guitar down. He put away his song book, which I knew he was very protective over, I think he loved that book more than anything else in the world, maybe even more than me. It was an old book and pages were running scarce, he only put finalized or near finalized songs in there to save space. His grandpa gave him the book before he passed away, it used to be his own.

"I can try and get you a new notebook, you're almost out of them," I said.

"No, this is my special book," he denied. "It's okay, I don't need another one."

"Alright," I said. "Whatever you say."

"Thank you but it's alright, I promise," he said. "You know this notebook means a lot to me and I just don't want to replace it."

"It wouldn't be replacing it, just adding onto it," I said.

"I'm fine," he insisted.

My phone rang and I grinned when I saw it was Bert.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, I know it's soon but I do have the meeting with Frank's mom tomorrow and that'll be the last of it," he said. "But I'm already sure that it's going to go perfect, you two are one of the best, most connected couples we have ever had. There is a pregnant lady who is looking for a family and I want you two to come in for a meeting with them."

"A-are you serious?" I asked.  "You're gonna let me?"

"Of course, you two are perfect candidates," Bert said. "A happy, loving couple."

"Oh my god, yes, thank you so much," I said.

"How is Wednesday at one?" He asked. "I can email you the address."

"That's perfect," I said. "Thank you so much."

I hung up and Frank looked at me curiously.

"I got a meeting with some parents," I said. "I-I might be able to get my baby."

"Don't get your hopes up," Frank said.

"I know but this just happened sooner than I thought and I'm excited," I said.  "I just wanna get my little baby."

"I know but if you get let down you know you're gonna get your heart broken," he said.

"I know," I said. "I just wish that I had my baby now. I want to love them and care for them."

"And you will but you should really just chill because seriously, you are going to be an amazing father," he said. "It's okay if you wait a bit for the baby because if you get them in a month or in a year it's still gonna be perfect and you're gonna be amazing."

"Thank you," I said. "Seriously, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you."

"I know and you seriously owe me for this because they say marriage and divorce are some of the most stressful things and I'm gonna go through both," he said.

"It's gonna be a bit easier, we both know what's going to happen and what we want," I said.

"You have to help me find a new apartment after this," he said. "I don't my old one is still gonna be empty by the time that we're done."

"That's fine, I don't mind helping you" I said. "I know you're sacrificing a lot just to marry me and help me get a child. Thank you."

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