No one would ever want to date someone who was cancer. "Kenzie." I jumped, feeling startled and turned around and see Maddie with a sympathetic look on her face. "What's wrong? Who texted you."

She didn't wait for me to answer that she got my phone from my hands, unlocked it, and read the texts of what Dr Bennet had sent me. "You now have to tell him." She muttered, still looking down at my phone.

"What?" I ask her. "What do you mean Maddie?"

"I meant Johnny. Kenz, you have to tell him. I know you haven't told him yet. But you seriously have to tell him already. Sooner or later he will find out but if it's not from you then that would hurt him more knowing that you didn't tell him yourself." I opened my mouth to protest but she blew me off. "I don't care about what type of shitty excuse you have going on in your head and whether you like it or not, you are going to tell him."

Her words ran through my head like a cycle. I wanted to tell Johnny but- here we go again with the freaking lame excuse! Come on Kenz, grow some balls! And great, I am talking to myself. Officially gone abnormal.

I feel her hold my shoulders as she looked at me directly. "Promise me Kenzie. That you will tell Johnny." She urged. "Please Kenzie."

Sighing, I nodded. "Fine." A knock was then heard from the door and what poked in was Johnny's head. He was smiling. While I was frowning.

"A couple of snacks are ready for you." He told us.

"Sure," Maddie said and went ahead of me. She passed John and made her way downstairs and she thought I'm going to tell Johnny right now. Pathetic.

I know I promised her I would tell him but not right now. "Hey." He gently said. "You coming?" I was about to say yes when I remembered what will happen if I eat a meal. I can't purge. Johnny walked over to me but not before closing the door.

"You go ahead John, I'll go down later," I said and turned my back to face him. You can't let your pride down.

Arms snaked around my waist from behind me and John leaned his head at the side of my neck as I felt his hot breath fan my neck. He nestled his face at the crook of my neck and I leaned back and started to relax for now as I take it all in.

Then something got me thinking that I really wanted to ask him. "John?"

"Hm?" He mumbled, on my neck.

"Will you ever leave me?"

Before I can see what happened best he turned me around and cupped my face and leaned in close. "Do you think I would ever leave a girl like you?" His fingertips were so soft against my skin as he brushed them slowly to my cheeks and to my jawline. "And to answer your question Kenz, it seems like I'm staying with you for a long time."

My heart then crashed to the bottom.

I started to play with my food trying to not envy John and Maddie who are eating in front of me right now. They didn't notice yet which is a good thing. John may have convinced me to eat but I wasn't thinking straight. How could I possibly eat without purging right after?

It was silent and I keep on shifting on my seat, feeling uncomfortable. "So Kenz, wanna go to a party tonight?" John asked out of blue.

My eyes went to the size of a moon. "Party?" I stuttered.

"Yeah. William is hosting one tonight since he throws the best parties in town. And you never been to a party so why not?" He said casually. I wanted to say no but that might bring him to suspicion again.

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