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"Why is she here?" Kai asked with a disgust Lloyd did not feel.

Standing there was a girl, about seventeen or so, with (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She didn't seem too unusual, but there was something about her - maybe it was her eyes? her stature? Whatever the case, she had a certain quality to her.

"She is training to become a Ninja, Kai," Master Wu replied. "I sense great potential in her."

Great potential? Maybe that was it, Lloyd thought.

"Do you have an elemental power?" Jay stepped forward.

(Y/N) studied him. He had brown hair and freckles. He looks cute, she thought, but he's not my type.

"Not that I know of," she replied. Interesting, Lloyd mused. She doesn't seem shy or nervous at all.

Kai exploded. "Then why is she here?"

Master Wu replied, "Because she will be an asset to our team. I know it."

Kai rolled his eyes.

"Maybe we should introduce ourselves," (Y/N) said. "I'm (Y/N).    (Y/N) (L/N)."

A boy with black hair stepped forward. "I'm Cole. Nice to meet you."

The other boy that had spoken up earlier introduced himself as well. "I'm Jay. That's Kai," he pointed to the boy that had been yelling about her earlier, "and his sister, Nya." he pointed to a girl standing near the both of them. "That over there is Zane, and he's a Nindroid, so get used to it. " He smiled at that one.

The last kid finally spoke. "Hey. I'm Lloyd. It's good to meet you. "
That one boy, (Y/N) noticed, seemed to be the most...what was the word?

Lloyd looked at her, feeling uneasy for some reason as her and Master Wu walked away.

The moment they walked out of the room, everyone else began staring at each other.

"Zane, tell us about that vision, or whatever you had," Cole said.

"Well," the Master of Ice started. "There was something, a sort of unseen evil there. The Teal Ninja was fighting it. I knew that she was a girl, even though I could only see her face. She was wearing green, but it was definitely the Teal Ninja.

"She displayed an almost robotic manner when she was fighting, using a great many different tools. At first, she used Lightning to stun him, then the Sword of Fire to weaken, and the Earth Punch to finish him off."

"So who is it?" Jay asked.

"I think it's me," Lloyd said. "No one else wears green but me."

"Yeah, well, no one else uses the Sword of Fire but me," replied Kai.

"You aren't a user of the Earth Punch," said Cole. "Only one of us can use it, and that's me."

Nya snorted. "You aren't a girl. I am, and so is the Teal Ninja. Who's the only one on the team who's a girl? Me."

Jay cut in, "Who's the only one who uses Lightning as their element? Me."

Lloyd laughed, "Have you forgotten that Skylor and I can both use Lightning?"

"I believe that no one else here could have acted in such a manner as the Teal Ninja did as me," Zane interjected.

As everyone stood there, a thought occurred to Lloyd. What if the Teal Ninja isn't one of us, but instead someone else entirely?

A/N: Sorry that this first chapter is so short, but I will try to update and make the chapters longer.

Green is Half of Teal (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now