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         Saying I was terrified to meet Cerberus was an understatement.  This was his home and I, another male, was in it.  I wasn’t sure how he’d react.  Being a demon, he was bound to be territorial, right?  I considered hiding behind Persephone for protection but decided that was cowardly. 

         There was only a moment of silence before heavy footsteps started down the hall above us.  Persephone was nearly jumping up and down with excitement, so I calmed down slightly… slightly.  He must have been wearing combat boots for his steps to be so loud, but maybe he was just huge.  The steps came down the stairs and turned for the kitchen.  How did he know we were in here?  Oh, right… he’s a demon… or he smelled the pancakes.  After a moment the door swung open and in walked my possible undoing.

         This guy was huge.  He stood well above six feet—maybe by eight inches.  Saying his shoulders were broad would not do them justice.  At the moment he was wearing a silk dark purple dress shirt and black slacks.  I was completely wrong about the combat boots.  Instead, he was wearing nice black dress shoes.  His hair was jet black and reached to about the middle of his back even in the ponytail it was in.  He had blood red eyes that looked cold and unforgiving, but they didn’t even notice me.  Instead, they immediately found Persephone, and he made a beeline right for her.  He gathered her into his arms so tight I thought she’d break; yet she just smiled.

         “I missed you, too, Cerberus,” she said. He nuzzled her for a moment before pulling away and looking at me.

         “Who is he?” He sounded even more threatening than he looked.

         “His name is Draven.  He’s Zahara’s vassal for the games,” Persephone explained to him. 

         “Is that so…?  The games are especially dangerous this year.  It won’t be easy so good luck.” I was so relieved Cerberus was nicer than I expected.

         “Um, what exactly are the games?”

         Cerberus seemed shocked.  “Zahara didn’t tell you?”

         “She told me that other vassals would try to kill me, but that’s about it…”

         “That woman…” He sighed and shook his head.

         “The annual Demon Trials are a series of battles and social events.  They continue for a week and by the end of that week only one participant will be alive.  The participants are human vassals chosen by demons.  Each vassal is given some of his or her demon’s powers to use during the games.  The winning team is granted the power to bring back one dead person, but the demons usually give this to their vassal.  They are also regarded as heroes in the demon realm and are given almost as much respect as the council.”

         “Zahara said that we’d probably win,” I mentioned.  I didn’t want to sound cocky so I pushed it all on her.

         “That’s very true.  Zahara is exceptionally strong.  If you try, you will most likely win the games.”

         “If it’s a game to the death why do people do it?  Do all demons trick their vassals?” I asked him.

         “A majority of them do.  In your case it was agree or die.  On the other hand, some people are so desperate they don’t need any bribes and will foolishly but gladly risk their lives.”

         I just kind of nodded as I tried to take in all of the information.

         “Don’t worry, kid—it’ll be fun.” Zahara sauntered into the room and spoke as if this were a simple board game.  Her hair was wet which made it curl slightly and I wondered if demons could instantly dry their hair if they wanted.  Ah, the questions I will never ask because I don’t want to sound stupid.

         “Zahara, I should turn you in for what you did to this human,” Cerberus said, leaning back against the counter.

         “What I did isn’t illegal.” Zahara stuck her tongue out at him like a real adult would.

         “No.  However, most of the stunts you pulled in the last hundred years are illegal even in the demon realm.  You act like I couldn’t arrest you even if you hadn’t done wrong.”

         Zahara slammed her first onto the tall counter right next to me. “Usurper!”

         “It’s not usurping if I’m elected into a high position, Zahara.”

         “Zahara, if you dent my countertop I’ll be mad.” Persephone sounded adorable when she was being threatening.  She balled up little fists and Zahara struggled to hold back a laugh.  The sight of the exchange reminded me so much of a little dysfunctional family, I unsuccessfully suppressed a laugh.  Zahara turned to me with glare.

        “What are you laughing at, Dray?”

        “Dray?  And oh, nothing.”

        “I am calling you Dray from now on because I can. And you were obviously laughing for a reason.”

        “It doesn’t matter.  Anyway, Persephone, where is the nearest restroom?” She seemed to jerk at the sound of her name, then pointed to the hallway.

        “It’s the first door on the left.”

        “Thank you.” I followed her directions, and when I came out Zahara was tapping her foot.  She was now wearing a red short sleeve dress that only went to about halfway down her thighs.  She was also wearing a pair of strappy red sandals to match.

        “Got a party, death princess?” I asked her, hoping to catch her off guard with the nickname. However, she didn’t miss a beat.

        “Nope.  I’m going to work, and you are coming with me.”

        “Why would I do that?  I don’t think whatever work you do has anything to do with these trials.”

        “Wrong.  Deception.  You will learn Deception while going to work with me.  Oh, and you will get to meet a lot of pretty models.  I mean, unless you don’t want to.” She raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.  She knew I couldn’t resist models, as I was just a guy.  I sighed as loudly as possible then followed her out to the limo.


        Only a few minutes after Cerberus came home, Za left for work and took Draven with her.  I felt bad for him being dragged around like property, but I couldn’t hold onto that feeling at the moment as Cerberus slid his arms around my waist whispering in my ear.

“Finally were alone.” My face heated up and I found myself stuttering as I tried to respond.

“Cer-Cerberus, wha-what are you doing?”

He tightened his arms around me, and my heart skipped a beat.  Even after centuries, just having him near me caused this kind of reaction.

        “What am I doing?  I’m not doing anything; I’m simply holding on to my favorite thing in the world.” He kissed my cheek softly and I could feel his smile.

        “I love you, Persephone.”

        “I love you, too, Cerberus.” I whispered, letting him turn me so I was facing him.  His smile and eyes were so gentle I couldn’t help but let myself be wrapped up in them.  He leaned down and kissed me gently before pulling me closer and resting my head on his chest.

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