Chapter 1

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Erza Scarlet hummed as she walked through the woods, letting her eyes glance over the bright green leaves and grass until her eyes landed on a cave. The cave had a soft glow emitting from the inside. She let her curiosity get the best of her, dragging her feet forward and into the gloomy cave. She went to where the glow was coming from to find a strange puzzle-like object. It was pure gold and had cogs and wheels for the finder to solve the puzzle. She attempted to open it a few times but failed before bringing it back to the guild to see if anyone knew how to open it, or even what it was.

She walked into the guild hall and went straight to Master Makarov, clutching onto the puzzle tightly. It annoyed her that she couldn't solve it on her own, but she wouldn't mope about it. She truly wanted to know what it contained. She sighed and held it out.

"Master Makarov, could you help me with this? I cannot get it open, no matter what I try." She grumbled out, slightly peeved. Makarov gently took the puzzle box, looking at it curiously. He hummed and began testing out different important dates, like dates of celebrations, starting points of guilds, and so on before an idea flashed into his mind. He began testing out the most recent war dates to the least recent until finally, the puzzle clicked open when he put in the war date to the war of all wars, the one that began this society they live in currently. The 4th Great Ninja War.

Makarov's eyes widened as the puzzle box began to glow, shaking and twisting quickly before a bright flash of light blinded the eyes of all who had looked. When the light finally faded out and the wizards regained their eyesight, they found a beautiful blonde-haired man laying down right next to the puzzle, unconscious and breathing shallowly. Makarov stood quickly.

"Don't just stand there staring! Someone get him into the infirmary!" He shouted, completely serious. Erza's stunned eyes widened as she shook out of her daze. She quickly picked up the injured man and rushed into the infirmary, Mirajane following close behind. They slipped off his jacket and shirt and Mirajane began bandaging him up, noticing the marking on his stomach. It slightly confused her, but she didn't question it.

Some time passed before Makarov came in, holding a book in his hands. Erza turned to him curiously.
"Master, have you figured out who this is and how they got trapped in that weird spell?" She was genuinely curious, wanting to know how it was even possible. Makarov gave a soft sigh.
"I indeed have figured out who this is. Listen up and listen well, this information cannot leave this room until the man sitting here has decided whether or not he wants his information out. Now, this man laying here is Naruto Uzumaki, the great ninja who sealed away Kaguya and mysteriously disappeared right after. I know you probably remember the tales from the legends, but they are true, now that we have the true living proof of his existence." Makarov spoke calmly, his manner collected as he told the unbelievable information to Erza. She gave a soft gasp before looking at the man.

"Do we have any idea when he'll wake up so we can find out how he ended up sealed away like that?" She was eager to hear more, but Makarov gave a low sigh.

"Only time will tell. Right now, he is most likely recovering lost magic energy, or as they used to call it, Chakra. It may take days, weeks, months, who knows. It could even just take mere hours. We'll have to wait until the time comes." He looked at Mirajane. "I would appreciate it if you would begin taking care of him to ensure he stays healthy until he wakes up."
Mirajane nodded, determined to help the injured 18-year-old.

(quick a/n, yes, i know he was around 16 in the anime, but i would like to age him up. plus, hes technically thousands of years old anyways so eh)

Eventually, they all left to get what they needed to do, while a certain blonde-haired ninja's mind ran wild, unleashing nightmare after nightmare upon him from his childhood years all the way up to his best friend dying right in front of him before they could even rightfully apologize and forgive each other for all that had happened.


"Satan spawn"


A young boy ran through the streets, sobbing as insult after insult was thrown at him. He had also just become homeless, the orphanage owner growing sick and tired of seeing the quiet boy's face. He felt his heart crack, but it wasn't fully cracked yet. He could still be helped to be okay again...

Once again, the young boy appeared, but this time he was older and wearing a sickeningly bright jumpsuit. He didn't like it, but it was the only thing another person had gotten him, that other person being the third Hokage, of course. Yes, the third Hokage was the only one who cared for the sorrowful boy who craved the attention and love of a family. It's all he had ever wanted. And it was all he knew he would never get. After all, it was his thirteenth birthday, just a day after he had earned his ninja headband through less-than-graceful ways. And of course, he would be spending this birthday alone, like every other birthday he had. No one at the school cared to wish him a happy birthday other than Iruka-sensei. He doubted Iruka even liked him a bit, after all, the demon sealed inside of him killed the man's entire family. He truly realized no one cared when not even Jiji-san came to wish him a happy birthday, and when he even refused to acknowledge his existence when he called to him desperately as the villagers took out their unrivaled anger on him. He would never have anyone...

We now see the blonde-haired boy with an older man. The older man was known fondly as Jiraiya by every villager. Jiraiya had taken Naruto under his wing with great happiness, teaching the young child from 13 all the way to 16. The blonde-haired boy was ecstatic. He finally had a family. He finally had someone who truly loved and cared for him. It felt amazing to be loved. It truly did. That was until Jiraiya passed suddenly when on a mission to gather information about the leader of a dangerous criminal organization, the Akatsuki. When the blonde was told the news, he couldn't believe even a word of it. The one who had basically been his father figure for three years had now left him. He was alone again. He was searching for his runaway best friend alone again. He was training alone again. He had no one...

We now see the blonde rushing through a battlefield, battered and beaten to the brink of death, but he wouldn't give up. After he had defeated Pain, the fake leader of the Akatsuki, the village finally cared about him. They treated him like a friend, someone they were fond of. He couldn't believe it. He wasn't going to let them think wrongly of him now. Not after years and years of work. He also had his best friend, Sasuke by his side again, helping them fight against Kaguya. He learned he had a purpose, made friends with Kurama, and had learned that he and Sasuke could eternally seal away Kaguya if they combined their destined powers. That was until Sasuke had gotten hit by a black rod of death. His skin began fading as Naruto ran to his side, screaming for him to please stay. For him not to leave him as all the rest had. As Sasuke uttered his last words and passed on his power to Naruto, Naruto felt his heart finally shatter into a billion pieces, what most would call unrepairable. He used all of his bottled-up sadness, anger, and hatred to seal away Kaguya for the final time, accidentally sealing away himself too...

A gasp forced itself from the cracked, dry lips as bright blue eyes pierced up at the ceiling for the first time. He had woken up.


Hello everyone, Jax here. I've finally begun the process of editing this dear book. Here is the first brand new chapter. Also, I wanted to mention that the updates would be slow since I'm a sophomore in high school and have major testing taking place currently. I appreciate all of your support! Also, every chapter will have a 1,000-word minimum to ensure that I don't give you guys a super short off-the-fly chapter. This chapter's word count is 1,436 without the A/N.

Looking for some tips or just fun? Join my Discord Server! It's brand new and I just got it up and running the other day!

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