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As long as we hope it'll be ok.. it has to be ok..

When Joe finally woke up it was during the middle of night and Jack was fast asleep next to Joe. The older man slowly adjusted to where he was before he actually realised Jack was in the room. He could help be feel a flicker of hope and an overwhelming feeling of love for the man who was clutching his hand like he depended on it. Joe gently squeezed Jack's hand back and quietly whispered his name.

Jack could hear Joe calling his name in his sleep and began to mumble.

"I love you Joe.. Please don't leave me.."

Joe had to shake the older man to get him to wake up.
The moment Jack opened his eyes to see Joe peering down at him, a slight smile across his face, Jack screamed an almost girlish scream.


With that he grabbed Joe's face, not caring about anything, and kissed him. He kissed him like it was the only opportunity he'd ever get. Jack's body was sparking and his heart was beating violently. But none of that compared to when Joe kissed him back. Joe's hands intertwined with Jack's hair before he slowly pulled back and rested his forehead against Jack's.

This time neither man moved, neither man spoke but neither moved. The pair stayed like that for what seemed like an age until Jack noticed that Caspar was patiently waiting outside the room.

"Should we tell Caspar he can come in?.." Jack whispered as felt slightly scared to break the silence.

"You know what," Joe began after getting confidence from Jack's earlier actions "I think he can wait for 2 more minutes" Joe gently pressed his lips against Jack's once more. This kiss was different it was full of love. Both boys were giving the other their heart.

Eventually Jack ended up getting of the bed and letting a very smug Caspar into the hospital room. Caspar pulled Jack into a hug and whispered to him that he was proud of him.

I'm back! I'm sorry I so bad at updating... This is also really crappy writing but I've tried!!

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