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This Chapter has taken me ages and ages and ages to write but I think I've got there! Haha ~ Mel

"It'll be alright Joe, I promise"

Caspar didn't dare take his eyes of Joe as he waited for the ambulance to arrive. He knew it would take awhile as he wasn't totally sure where they were..
"Joe, try and stay awake yeah buddy? Please.."
Joe forced his eyes open in response and tried to smile back at his friend. Caspar sighed at the sight. Where was that ambulance..?

A short while passed before Caspar finally heard sirens..
"Joe, I'm gonna go and show them where we are ok? Won't be a minute"
Caspar hurried off with an uncomfortable feeling due to leaving his friend alone. He ran towards the ambulance.
"He's this way!" He panted and the paramedics followed Caspar back towards Joe.

The sight Caspar saw when they got back to him made his heart drop. In the time he was gone, Joe had lost consciousness and wasn't being easily woken up.. The blonde haired South African didn't know how to react. He didn't want to get in the way as the paramedics took Joe to the ambulance but he wanted to help...

A hand was gently placed on Caspar's shoulder, causing him to turn around.
"Why don't you ride with us to the hospital and on the way you can contact his family? I'm sure they'd rather hear it from you than a doctor they don't know"
Caspar nodded, silently grateful for the kindness of the man who was helping to look after Joe.


Conor had finally managed to calm Jack down and get him home (after telling the others that he would talk to them later) when his phone rang.

"Hey Casp. Did you find him?"

"Yes but he was unconscious but then woke up and then went unconscious again and I had to phone an ambulance and now I'm at the hospital all alone and his family can't come quickly and I don't know what to do!!" Caspar sobbed down the phone, barely pausing to take a breath.

"Casp. Caspar, calm down ok. Breathe. I'm on my way. I'll have to bring Jack as well though. Do you think that'll be a problem..?"
"I hope not"

Conor quickly packed a bag full of things he thought Caspar might want and Joe would appreciate when he wakes up.
"Jack!" He shouted "We're going to the hospital! I'll explain on the way, just get your arse down here now!"

Jack raced downstairs.

"What's going on?! Who's hurt?! Is it Anna?" He questioned as he put shoes on.

"No, it's not Anna. I told you I'd explain on the way, now get in the car!"

The two brothers drove to the hospital as Conor explained that it was Joe they were going to. Jack broke down when he heard. It was his fault and nothing anyone said to him would ever change that.

Conor had to drag a crying Jack to reception and then to Joe's room. But when they finally got there Jack didn't need to be dragged anymore. He sprinted across the room to the side of Joe's bed, kissed his forehead and whispered..

"Please wake up.. I couldn't live without you"
He then just stood there having taken Joe's hand in his and watched Joe.

Meanwhile, Conor and Caspar shared a quick hug. They both wanted to know what was going on with Jack and Joe but neither voiced their thoughts. Something told them that it wasn't the right time...


Jack and Conor had been at the hospital for about 10 minutes when a doctor came into the room.

"Any news?" Conor questioned

"The results to the tests we ran show that Mr Sugg, Joe, is suffering from severe dehydration and exhaustion. A nurse will be in shortly to make sure he has fluids going into his body but other than that he should be ok."

"T-then why isn't he waking up-p?" Jack managed to ask

"His body is in a state of shock. If all goes well overnight he should wake up in the morning. If any of you want to stay, feel free just make sure you get some rest at some point" with that the doctor left again.

Caspar and Conor both felt a huge sense of relief from what the doctor said and decided that it would be best if they went home and rested so they were in a good place to look after Joe when he wakes up. Jack, on the other hand, wasn't having any of it.

"I'm staying here"

"Come on Jack, it won't do you any good sleeping in a chair.."

"Someone has to be here when he wakes up. I'm not going anywhere"

It was evident that neither of his friends were going to be able to change Jack's mind so they told him they would be back first thing and quietly left.

Jack pulled the chair towards Joe's bed and sat down. Once again he took Joe's hand in his. This time he slowly brought it to his mouth and kissed it. He looked at Joe, getting no response and let out a sigh of desperation.

"Please wake up soon Joe." He whispered before setting his head on the edge of Joe's bed and starting to drift to sleep.

Caspar, Conor, Jack and all the other boys had the same last thought that day As long as we have hope, it'll be ok. It has to be ok..

When will Joe wake up? How will he react? What's happens now for joeck?

I will be updating very soon as I have already almost finished he next chapter (my writer's block suddenly went away! Haha)

Please tell me what u thought of this chapter. I know it was bad so try and keep it nice, yeah?

Love you guys

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