| 04 | Friday, March 21

Start from the beginning

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            And that is how Arizona May finds herself with her nose wedged in her closet again, everything resembling Valentine’s Day just a tiny bit too much. “Ghah! What the hell do you wear—you know what, fine!” she growls to herself, pulling a pair of tights away from her face. “I’m just gonna wear a shirt and jeans because they’re my parents and some—goddamn skirt, get away from me, you freak—random boy who I don’t even like like that and holy shit what am I gonna do? What am I g—”


            “THAT’S NOT MY FUCKING NAME, LARA!” she screams without looking behind her. Her hair is a mess and the mascara she had decided to put on for the night is running everywhere it’s not supposed to because of how much she’s sweating (she sweats a lot when under pressure) and the last face she wants to see is the perfect one that belongs to her perfect fucking sister.

            “Whoa,” the older girl mutters, but makes no move to get out.

            “What?” Arizona swirls on her heels, holding a clean pair of darkwash jeans and a green, silk blouse. It’s good enough, she makes up her mind. “Can you get out?” she asks bluntly. “I need to change.”

            “Okay. Then change.”

            “Can you get out?”

            “You know,” Lara muses, looking around, “normal sisters should be comfortable with changing around each other.”

            Arizona’s mouth swings open. “What? Dude, just get out. We’re not even normal sisters, for God’s sake!”

            “Okay, okay, jeez. I didn’t remember you as this touchy.”

            “Lara, I am this close to touching you extra hard in the face with my fist if you don’t get out right now,” Arizona narrows her eyes and Lara’s widen as she slowly backs out of the room, shutting the door. She doesn’t leave, though, still talking from outside of Arizona’s room.

            “I was just supposed to tell you that Mom needs your help.”

            “Could you not have just said that?” Arizona yells incredulously, jumping up and down to tug the jeans up her legs. Zipping and buttoning it up, she pulls the blouse over her head and swings the door open abruptly. She wipes the mascara away from her eyes so that her face is completely bare now, because knowing her, more makeup will be useless since she’ll probably start sweating like a cow in a slaughterhouse during dinner when her mother is so prone to asking stupid, personal questions.

            “Whatever. Maybe this is why it took you so long to get a boyfriend. I still can’t believe that you finally got a boyfriend, Zona!” Arizona winces at the nickname and what her lovely sister is hinting at. “It really is quite unbelievable, though,” Lara raises her eyebrows and Arizona simply flips her off behind her back, climbing up the basement stairs to the main floor, where her mother cooks in the kitchen. She doesn’t even care enough to retort, though she’s burning up inside because her sister thinks she’s just so much better than her.

            “Why are you cooking so much, Mom?” she sighs exhasperatedly, peering over her mother’s shoulder to see her preparing some kind of batter in a bit mixing bowl. “What are you even making?”

            “We’re having breakfast for dinner!” she exclaims brightly and Arizona blinks.

            “Okay. Um. Well, Lara said you needed help?”

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