I laughed. "Of course I wouldn't feed you bees."

I finished dinner just in time. Emma and Dave walked through the door and I was excited to tell them about dinner. Emma walked into the kitchen and looked around.

"What smells so good?"

"Well I made dinner for you and Dave as a thank you and I thought you two deserved a special night together. Luke and I will be going out while you two dine in."

"Oh my goodness, this is great!" She exclaimed.

We walked into the dining room and I totally forgot to set the table but it was already set with the nicest cutlery and Luke stood by the table smiling.

"Oh Lukey did you set the table! You guys are so great. Come here; group hug."

Emma pulled us into a hug and even made Dave join in.

After they got settled down and we served them we headed off to get some diner and a movie for ourselves. Diner was great and Luke didn't have to eat and tomatoes. I kept apologizing throughout the night but he assured me it was no big deal.

We came home around 10:3o and Luke was exhausted. I told him to head up to bed. Luke's parents were probably in bed too or they might have had a night shift. Either way we didn't see much if them. I cleaned up the kitchen making sure it was spotless. I was just finishing up when I heard rustling in the pantry. I opened the door to find a dark shadow standing in there. I flicked the light switch to find Ryan standing in the pantry holding a knife.

"Hey babe, didn't think you'd see me here did you?"

"Ryan? What the fuck? How did you get in here?!" I yelled hoping to wake up Luke.

He came towards me and put his hand over my mouth and held the knife to my throat.

"Shut up! We don't want your boyfriend to wake up."

I tried to wiggle out of Ryan's grasp but that just made him press the knife against my throat more.

"Now how about we go back to my place. Maybe watch a movie possibly try out the bed." He whispered into my ear, moving his finger along my jaw.

He pulled me outside and into his car. We drove off towards his place and he kept the knife in hand just in case I tried anything. I was just happy that he took me and didn't do anything to Luke.

"So how have you been babe. You still miss me?"

"No!" I spat in disgust.

"Now now that's not anyway to talk to your boyfriend now is it."

"You're not my boyfriend. Luke is."

Ryan laughed as he kept driving down the road.

"He won't be your boyfriend when I kill him."

Ryan's words made me freeze. No he couldn't hurt Luke. This was all my fault. I couldn't let him get hurt because of me.

"No! Please don't I will do anything just don't hurt Luke please."

"Oh I see you really do care about him. Well I will give you a choice. You call Luke and break up with him and tell him you never want to see him again or you leave me and go back to Luke. Just know that if you go back to him I will kill him and take you again. So what's it going to be babe. Luke dead or alive?"

I didn't hesitate to answer. I couldn't let Luke get killed he needed to be safe. He's already gone through so much because of me.

"I'll break up with him." I said

"Good, good now you can make that call when we get back to mine eh?"

"Whatever." I muttered.

We got back to Ryan's place and be made me sit down on his lap on the sofa and held the knife to my throat then handed me the phone.

"If you say anything I won't think twice about slitting you're throat." He said.

I dialled Luke's cell and waited for him to pick up. It was morning now so he was probably awake.


"Luke. It me"

"Holy shit Skyy, where are you? You know how scary it is to wake up and you be missing and you're phone still here. Are you okay?"

"Y-Yea I'm fine."

"Okay so where are you? I'll come get you."

"I can't say and I think we should break up."

It was killing me to say those words to Luke. I was trying so hard not to cry.

"Wait b-break up? What did I do wrong Skyy. Whatever it is I'll fix it. I promise. I love you."

My heart fluttered. Why did he have to tell me he loved me when I was doing the hardest thing in my life right now.

"Tell him you never want to see him again." Ryan whispered in my other ear.

"I never want to see you again Luke. Goodbye." Then I hung up the phone.

I couldn't hold back anymore I burst into tears. Ryan removed the knife and placed his hand in my thigh and rubbed up and down my leg. It felt disgusting. I hated his touch. I Needed Luke.

"That wasn't so bad now was it." He murmured.

"I hate you!"

****Luke's P.O.V****

"I never want to see you again Luke. Goodbye." Then the line went dead.

What the hell was that? I knew she was in trouble. She wouldn't just leave like that. I could here the fear in her voice. I was worried when she mentioned breaking up, but when she said she never wanted to see me again I knew something was wrong. And I have a feeling Ryan has something to do with this. I need to get to her to make sure she's safe. Good thing I know where Ryan lives. Skyy showed me one day when we were driving. I wanted her to just and case something like this happened. I was glad that I did because I'm going to be giving Ryan a little visit.

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