Chapter Seventeen

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Ohm's POV

I know I should have supported Minx, but she had the chance to save Krism and she didn't! The whole reason we all were in this mess was because of Krism going missing! But then again... if Minx hadn't picked me and Dlive, Dlive would be dead. Minx had had a point when she said that Krism would still be ok. Oh no, what had we done...

I watched as Minx stormed into the forest, with her brown hair flowing behind her.

"Minx!" Ellie tried to yell after her, but she too far away to hear.

Why had I said those things to Minx? She had saved me and Dlive and we had only been negative to her. What had happened to the days where me, her and Dlive use to go out and have fun, be ourselves. Oh right... this happened.

"What are we going to do?" Dlive groaned.

I stared at the sky and watched as the clouds passed by. What were we going to do?

"I don't know, Dlive, I don't know."

I decided to follow Minx, try to say I was sorry.

By the time I finally found her, she was slumped again a tree trunk and was crying.

Before I could do anything, she spoke.

"Do it."

Confusion filled my face. Do what? Suddenly Minx started to glow. Her eyes became white and her hair was starting to fly around her.

What was going on?

I stepped forwards from my hiding place in the trees and tried to yell her name.

As the glowing became more and more intense, I felt more and more weak. I took one last look at my broken best friend before I arrived on the darkness's door.

Minx's POV

I felt different. The sorrow and weakness that I had felt less than a minute ago was gone, and I felt strong and confidence, almost as if I didn't have a care in the world. Krism was completely pushed to the back of my mind.

As I went to stand up, I noticed something. I wasn't in the forest anymore. I was in the back of an alley and I couldn't see I thing.

I raised my hand and suddenly the alley became light. Somehow, I had magically made my hand light on fire. Uh... ok? I'll take it.

Once I got out of the alley, I somehow realized that I was in L.A. The question was where to go now?

I walked along the streets, and clutched my jacket to my body, hoping to conserve the heat. It was a cold, chilly night and there weren't many people around. Before I could continue, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around quickly, ready to fight.

It was two girls, one wearing a mask and the other sunglasses. The first girl had long brown hair that was tied into a ponytail. She wore a white mask, a black dress up shirt, a neon green vest, and black skinny jeans with black sneakers. The other girl was wearing a plain t-shirt, with black leggings, black eyeliner and converses. You could barely make out her eye colors, but you could just about see that she had a glowing blue eye.

Just like Krism and Ellie's...

"Who are you?" I said, stepping back.

"Who are you?" The girl wearing a mask questioned back.


"Shy and this is Olive."

I shakily held out my hand and waited for one of them to shake it. Shy smirked and shook my hand, while Olive just stared at me.

"We know what you are Minx," Olive stated.

"And you're like Krism."

We both stared at each other while Shy looked at the ground.

"You're exactly like Krism, except with a blue eye," I said, breaking the silence.

"She's my cousin."


"Krism is my cousin, like you said, I'm exactly like Krism except with a blue eye. The only difference is that the red eyed and blue eyed use to be enemies. I guess you could say that we 'forgave' each other."

"So what do you want from me?"

"We want to help you find Krism."


Hi everyone :) Sorry this one is so short, I felt like I needed to update for some reason, since apparently I can't see my sister. I managed to add two people this chapter. I'm going to add two people every chapter.

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