Naive Doubt

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Miss call at three.....

The number is his.......

Why did he call me?

What could it be?

Probably it's about money,

What else can it be?

He already said he didn't care for me.

Humans are this way,

Loving this human way,

Ending a relationship,

When the waters went too deep.

What else can it be?

Oh my heart cries out to me,

Is there a chance that maybe,

Just maybe he misses me?

Why do I ever doubt,

Oh my weak heart?

The Lord is  Almighty,

In Him I must trust!

His Power is Great,

He knows my heart,

Why else should I doubt,

Oh this weak mind and heart!

Be faithful, be patient,

The Lord works in His ways,

Never doubt His love,

Never doubt His ways!

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