Chapter 8: Brothers 4L

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<Michael Wilson>
"Well, tomorrow you'll be free to leave" she said flashing a smile as I nodded, she headed towards the door before stopping and turning around
"Are you two brothers?" She asked
"Nope" i said as BJ shook his head as she left
"Anyways what about you?" He asked
"Huh" i said
"You scared to die?" He asked
"Sometimes I think about it, ion be scared but I be nervous" I said as he nodded
"I hate how He Chief call us girls" i said
"Right, that's annoying man" he said
As BJ stood up
"See You tomorrow B" i said
"Peace out" he said leaving

<BJ Wilson>
The night cold
Me and Mike walkin down the street
"We shouldn't be walkin this time a night" he said
"What time is it Mike" I asked him
"Man its 11" he said
"11!" I said shocked
He chuckled "Yea 11" he said
We continued walking but I couldn't shake the feeling of somebody followin us
I sped up my walk grabbing his arm
Then we heard a car swerve
"Y'all thought y'all was gone" the voice said I couldn't see the face
Then I heard it
Everything goes black
The car speeds off
I look down to see me holding a dead Mike, I look at my shoulder and see a bullet wound and one in my side, I wasn't worried about that right now, a lifeless Michael was on my lap
He took 3 to the chest, I held him close crying

<Michael Wilson>
I jump awake, panicked, touching my chest, I look down
Just a Dream.... more like nightmare
Oh shit, BJ

<BJ Wilson>
I jumped out of bed, I have to check on Mike
Dammit, I'm still in this cell, I looked around for objects, then I thought I got another toothbrush shank.
I went under my mattress and got the shank and began picking the lock until I heard a click, I slowly opened it and went and wiggled the doorknob to see it was unlocked, I quietly opened it and sighed a breath of relief
No alarm
I went to the nurse room and opened the door to see Mike sitting up in the bed
"Yo you straight" i whispered coming in the  room
"I dont even  know man" he sighed
"Man I just had the worst nightmare ever" he said
"Me too man" I said
"We was walkin down the streets when yo gang pulled up and they shot at us and I died" he said
I looked at him shocked 😯
"What" he said
"Michael" I said
"What?" He asked
"I swear on my life I had the same nightmare" I said
"Nah man" he said
"Bro I swear I even remember what happened next, I had two bullet wounds, u had 3, I started crying when u was on me" I explained then he looked shocked
"Bro thas exactly what happened" he said as we looked at each other confused
"I just wanted to come in and check on you man" I said
"Why, even in the nightmare, why you ain't jus let me be, every story gotta ending" he said
"That don't mean yours nor mines gotta end now, and because we... because I know you wouldn't let me lay there" I said
"You right, I wouldn't" he said
"This whole week, all you did was help me, I owe you man" he said
"Nah man you don't, we like family" I said
He looked like this >😐
"Family..." He said then he zoned out

<Michael Wilson>
"Coolidge is your family, get that in your head,"
"Ion think family the right word" I told him
"Why?" He asked
"Gang" i said
"Oh right" he said
"But i do think of you as a brother" I said
"Same, brothers for life?" He said raising his eyebrow at me while raising out his pinky finger
"For life" I said as we pinky promised

Okay I admit I am in love with this story

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