Chapter 0

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(A/N): Hey! Before starting I'd like to invite you to let me know about any ortagraphy errors.


So today was the day, the day you'll be going to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy, which was said to be a 'magic' school. You couldn't belive this even existed. You turned your head to the corner where your things laid. Was all of this true? were you seriously leaving all just to do 'magic'? because you were leaving everything: your room, your house, your friends, your family. And you,ve just turned eleven! worst... you didn't belive at all this, you didn't even knew how all of the things on the corner had appered on your room afteryou had that weird dream. You started wondering if this was any kind of joke. You stood up froom your bed and went to your desk where your hogwarts letter laid. You took it and readed once again:

" Mrs. (Y/N) (L/N):
We are pleased to aunnounce that you have a place at hogwarts wicthcraft and wizarding school.

Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely.

Minerva Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress


Headsmaster: Albus Dumbledore [...]"

you finished reading it and left the letter on the desk.

"Well, To be honest... It does look quite real and I wouldn't be able to---" Your alarm clock started to sound "Oh, please shut up!" you turned it down. " either ways, I should finish packing up " you said to yourself, you started putting

Once you finished you went down stairs a to let your parents a note, you knew they would never let you go to a place that neither you or your parents knew where on the world was it, and, What if it is a tramp to kidnap kids around England? After thinking it for a while you decided you were going to Hogwarts it wasn't the wisest decision, and leaving your parents hurted you deeply inside, but, at your favor " what is life without risks? " you thought. you let the note at the table and went outside.

Your hand was trembling while pulling the chest with your things inside it, your heart bumping at one kilometer per hour, and got even faster with each step you gave, you felt adrenaline run free around your body. What the heck were you doing? you wanted to answer this question and after a while you could, you were restarting and you didn't knew how to feel, of course you were excieted but same time, sad.."leaving everything behind... so many great things, and pretend they never existed..." you thought.

you finally arrived to King's cross, " nine and three quarters" and... once more, speaking to yourself at loud. Also, you suddemly realised it was a prank " Really?! If I was the one doing this stupid and nonesense prank I'd at least do it realistic!" You said annoyed and you again relaised you were saying your thoughts at loud. You turned around and decided to go home and apologize to your parents while going back to home but something catched your attention.

"Sorry sir, Could you tell me were could I find the platform nine and three quarters?" a black-haired boy asked.

"nine and trhee quarters?! Do you think it's funny to mess with people's time?!" he went away whispering very annoyed: "nine and three quarters"

NINE AND THREE QUARTERS! you weren't the only looking for that platform, hearing that gave you hope on all that 'magical' thingy. You ran towards the black- haired boy ---Well 'ran', because you couldn't ran properly pushing that heavy trolley--- "WAIT!!!!!" you screamed to the boy with the hope he has heard you. He suddenly turned over to your direction, you arrived where the boy was. " Sorry... For...Shouting like... That..." You grabbed air " also, sorry for disturbing you.. But, correct me if I'm wrong, but, are you looking for the platform nine and three quarters, too?"

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