Chapter 4

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"You're sure these things can't climb?" I asked, feeling sick from fear.

"I've never seen one climb, I just hope they haven't adapted..." Derek looked down at the creature circling us.

It didn't look like it was going to be able to climb. It did try to jump and hit us, but it couldn't jump very high. It kept circling us, though, trying to find an easier way up. I looked around, panicked. There was no way he could get up that I could see, it was steep sometimes almost completely vertical.

Out of nowhere, another Ice Walker came running out of the forest. I thought it was going to try to climb up and reach us as well. It was about twice the size of the other one, and tackled the first one to the frozen ground. I watched in horror as the bigger Walker tore the first one to shreds. Growling and howling as it swallowed chunks of the creature.

I turned into Derek and hid my face. I knew it was dangerous out here, but I was scared to watch. If I watched, I would've either screamed or puked, either way, I would've drawn the attention of the monster to us. I grabbed his shirt and buried my face in his chest, trying to muffle the sobs that I couldn't stop.

He put is arms around me, feeling me shake. "It's going to be okay," He whispered.

I felt safe with him, and I couldn't understand how or why. I barely knew him, was him rescuing me really enough for me to go off of? 

Just then, the bigger creature started to climb up the rock, digging its sharp claws into the rock and making huge leaps at a time. "What the hell?!" Derek exclaimed, letting go and whipping around, holding his spear tightly. The creature got to the top of the formation and started toward us, growling and drooling, black blood from the other one dripping from his face.

I stifled a scream and grabbed the little dagger I had and held it in front of me. "If you want me, come and get me." Derek taunted, stepping out in front of me.

The creature kept walking toward us, and when it was within arms reach, tried to wrap its arms around Derek, who sidestepped and drove his spear through the creatures shoulder.  The creature turned to attack him again, and with shaking hands, I drove my dagger into the creatures back, watching thick, black blood ooze from the wound.

The monster let out the most ear splitting cry I'd ever heard as it crippled to the ground. I looked at it, and saw more human in it than when it had been alive. The white seemed to gain more color and its arms seemed to recede back into its shoulders. "Huh?" I bent down and looked at it closer, it was as if in death, it returned to its old form.

"Have you ever seen this Derek?" I asked.

"No, I've always managed to avoid the walkers." He admitted with a shrug. "Maybe its human ancestry isn't so far out."

"Yeah, maybe." I paused, looking around and realizing that the sun had set. "I guess we have to set up camp here, huh?"

"It looks like it, I'll start a fire." He set off to work, pulling kindling out of his pack and some more caribou meat. When the fire started and the meat was cooking, I realized how hungry I was. The smell of fresh caribou reminded me that I hadn't eaten since morning.

"How long until the meats ready?" I asked. "I'm starving."

"Here," he handed me a small strip. "This chunk's done, the rest will be done soon."

I took it gratefully and ate it slowly, wanting to make sure it lasted until the rest was ready. I'd been used to hunger, but I wasn't used to having fresh cooked smells around me when I was hungry. Usually, I was just begging for somebody's scraps. It was a nice change of pace, though.

"Hey, Derek?" I asked as I finished my piece.


"Why are you helping me?"

"You remind me of somebody I used to know," he said, looking up at the colors in the sky. "I let her go off on her own one day and I never saw her again. She was only supposed to be gone for a couple hours, get some fresh meat and come home. I can't let that happen to anyone else."

"Who was she?"

"It doesn't matter," he turned away from me, and focused his attention on the fire. "It was a long time ago. What matters is that I won't let that happen to you." He got up and pulled both his spear and my dagger out of the walker and burnt the blood off of them, then handed me another chunk of meat. "Eat up, then get some rest. We got a lot of ground to cover."

I did as I was asked silently, but couldn't help but wonder what happened to the girl. And I reminded him of her? How?

A/N Hello all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it. I wonder if maybe there's a way to save walkers? We'll just have to find out. Anyway, as always, any feedback is greatly appreciated and if you liked this chapter, please don't forget to vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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