Chapter 1

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With a sigh, I headed back down the cliff, watching for any loose patches of ice. I'd almost fallen off this cliff more than once and I wasn't about to die. I needed to grab my patched up, sealskin pack from the igloo I was residing in. I didn't have much, but I had a picture of me with my parents and my leather-bound journal. It had been a gift on my sixth birthday and I never went anywhere without it.

I looked up at the dancing colors in the sky, "I know you're up there, Mom." I whispered. "Watching over me, I miss you." 

I grabbed my pack and started walking, not exactly sure where I was going. I had heard rumors from a nomadic tribe that came through about a city, built like those of the warm days, and I needed to know if it was true. I'd heard stories about the warm days, cities with shopping malls and skyscrapers, plenty of food and work for everyone. I needed somewhere like that. I needed a place I could start over. 

On my way out of the village, a kind old woman noticed my ragged appearance and offered me some whale blubber. "Thank you, Miss." I smiled wanly.

"Good luck on your journey, Young One." The lady took my hand in hers. "This world is a harsh and unforgiving place. Don't trust anyone, you just get where you need to go."

I nodded in understanding and set off, anxious to see what this supposed city was like. I started daydreaming as I walked, thinking about what it would be like to have the ability to survive on my own without relying on other people's generosity. 

There was a huge room with a shining chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Stairwells of crystal spiraling up to the next floor on either side. Music was playing. I was in a simple, black gown, smiling and chatting with other people. Somebody had put my hair up in pearls, and I had a teardrop pendant around my neck. A young man, clad in a white suit asked me to dance.

The sound of caribou huffing and clopping shook me out of my daze. There were at least a dozen and they were all looking at me. 

"Uh oh!" I thought. Trying to figure out a way to get around them. There were hills on one side, but that was about a hundred yards away. On the other side, nothing but snow and ice. I could try to run for it, but I would probably end up trampled.

Just then out of nowhere, a young man like the man in my dreams, came running and hollering at the caribou with a spear in his hands. "Over here! I'll make you my lunch!"He laughed confidently as the herd started running towards him.

He moved like a hero in one of the stories I read growing up. He jumped over them so gracefully it was like he was part bird, like he belonged in the air. He landed on one of the caribou's backs and sliced into its neck. He continued to jump from caribou to caribou until he was surrounded by a pile of dead bodies and the ice pooled with their blood.

"Come over here." He called out to me, noticing me trying to scurry away.

I tentatively walked over to him, looking down at the ground. "H.. hi." I said.

He gave me a crooked smile. "Hi, what are you doing out here by yourself?"

"I... uh... You see..." I stammered, his smile making my heart skip a beat. I cleared my throat and tried again. "I want to find the city that the nomads told my village about."

"Mind some company?" He asked.

"Um..." I hesitated. "I guess so. I can't take care of caribou the way you can."

He laughed again, a laugh so melodic it was almost like the music from the dance. "Come on, Kid. I'll show you the ropes." He draped his arm around my shoulder and led me over to the caribou and proceeded to show me how to clean them and save the meat. We took as much as we could carry and set off.

A/N Sorry it took so long to update! I hope you enjoy this chapter. This guy might be her savior, huh? Anyway, if you liked it please vote, and any critique/suggestions/ideas are welcome if you want to comment. Thank you for reading! I love you all. 

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