♕ I ♕

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I've never written a book centred around a royal character, so we're all in for a ride! In this book, the real British royal family (Queen Elizabeth II, etc.) do exist and hold the same titles as they do in current times. This is a work of fiction and accuracy is not 100%, so do stick with me. Inspiration for this book is from the film A Royal Night Out, but even then my book is very different from that film. I hope you all fall in love with this book as much as I have xx


Pristine stiletto heels clap against polished marble floors, the sound echoing throughout the seemingly empty corridor and notifying those that my presence is nearing. Maids and guards alike part the hall as I turn the corner, their eyes darting anywhere but my face and their bodies bowing out of respect as I pass. To outsiders these responses may seem foreign, but for me this is what I've grown accustomed to.

With my head held high I push through the double doors of the living quarters, being greeted by a baren and silent corridor with four sets of doors, all closed. My hands open the first set of double-doors on the left, allowing me to slip in unnoticed. Looking around I release the heavy breath that I'd been holding; finally, I'm alone.

My shoulders are no longer held back as I take a deep breath and slouch comfortably. The shoes on my feet are immediately kicked across the room, landing in a messy pile in the centre of the space. A deep sigh leaves my lips as I tug my hair out of the tight bun atop my head, the pressure from the hairs being pulled ungodly tight finally dispersing into a wavy mess on my shoulders. These are the things I look forward to when I've finished running around carrying out my duties, responsibilities, and meetings with important faces that I'll forget the next day.

Being a princess isn't what it's all cracked up to be.

I've grown tired of the day-to-day life I live. For twenty-six years I've done the same mundane activities, my life lacking any real spontaneity. The early morning wake-up calls become a drag when you've done them as long as I have, the lack of privacy irritates me with each passing day, and don't get me started on those dreaded dinner parties I'm to attend frequently. I've never had a say on how I spend my day, my personal assistant drawing up my schedule without my knowledge. If I'd like to request some time to myself, I have to do just that, request it. Sometimes requests go denied or even when they're approved there's always something getting in the way. I should be able to have a say in what I do, actually I should have a lot more freedom than that but alas I'm stuck with cantankerous and wishful thinking.

My mother tells me that I have complaints because I don't have a true hobby that I stick with, apparently puzzles and Netflix aren't true hobbies; my father thinks it's because I refuse to take my duties seriously, which I disagree with as I'm the only princess in this palace that takes royal responsibilities serious; and my sisters, well they keep to themselves about these matters, for the better.

Quitting isn't in my blood, but I'm surprised I haven't given up by now, but with the weight of everything on my shoulders there's not much giving up I can do. I can refuse to leave my room or tend to my duties, but my father will have one of the guards break down the door and drag me out and, trust me, no one wants to see that.

For far too long I've dealt with the mundane, the schedules, the lifestyle, but I've come to the decision that it's time I do something about my unhappiness. One more day spent in this fortress with little to no contact with the outside world has me scheming and making rash decisions. I fear not of my decisions, even though I'll receive heavy scolding from my parents - oh well -, but of what will happen if I do nothing about my personal happiness.

I need to get away, get out, at least for a little bit. I need to experience the world with my own two eyes, without the observant orbs of many personal guards on me. Honestly, it's as if I live in a world where I'm constantly under surveillance; think the Truman Show, that's how I feel. I want to explore the city without a tight schedule I have to stick with and without everyone knowing of who I am and what I'm up to.

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