40 | momentary hearts

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As soon as they reached the outskirts of the town near the prestigious school, slightly obscured by the floating mascots anchored to the poles—the entrance was already roaming with families and students exuding their enthusiasm about the festival already happening before her eyes. They stopped by the gate to show the passes to one of the teachers which Eijirou apparently gave to them, sending a quick smile before they continued to make their way in, jitters in her nerves.

"Wow," Riku let out a low whistle. "As expected of Yuei."

Sakura took this as a chance to take a view of the display laid out from where they were standing.

Part of the food stalls was mostly held by the corner of the area, decorated with vivid balloons everywhere. The other side were games and a few small structures. Then there is an enormous stage at the very front, near the office building, stage lights displayed and followed by a huge screen showing different girls, large words screaming 'Beauty Contest'.

"It's kinda all over the place that I don't even know where to start, but I'm stoked as hell!" Yui jumped on her feet, squealing in their ears despite the festive noise behind her, and dragged Sakura away with the grasp of her hand.

"Chill, woman." She rolled her eyes at her antics, suppressing the urge to smile before she motioned at the two boys to follow.

Eventually, the four of them went to grab a bite at a crepe stall, each of them getting their preferred flavours to fill their tummies before Eijirou's show start in ten minutes, basically class 1A.

"So," Sora broke the comfortable silence cloaking them as they walk towards the direction of a building called 'Gamma Gym' in the map guide given to them, devouring their snack. "You guys excited?"

"Duh," Yui scoffed, rolling her eyes to the heavens. "I've been wanting to check the hero school ever since I was a kid—even though I don't have it in me to be a hero."

"Bullshit, you just wanna check out the cute guys around here," Riku snorted.

"Fuck off."

Sakura chuckled at their exchange.

"What about you, Sakura?" The three of them glanced curiously at her.

She narrowed her eyes at them. "Um, yeah?"

"Um, yeah? Seriously? That's it?" Yui gave her an incredulous look.

"W-What?" She managed to utter out, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Never mind about her. I bet deep down she can't wait to see her soon-to-be boyfriend," Riku smirked behind his crepe, casually taking a bite.

Her heart almost did a somersault. "J-Just shut the fuck up and eat your damn crepe. We're here to have fun."

"With the privilege of Sakura's association amidst an aspired hero," Sora said in a narrative tone, causing her to smack his arm in which he whined for.

They reached a huge building roamed by countless people entering the structure, and it seems like class 1A really is the big shot. Just by hearing fragments of conversations popping up from students looking like they were a year above them, confirmed her thoughts.

"Man, I can't wait to see what the first years have in stall!"

She hummed in thought, the corners of her lips pulling upward a little.

For a second, she thought she was dreaming. Maybe it was just her.. feeling a sudden rush of warmth as the four of them squeezed through the crowd at the entrance. Her heart was pumping, as if it was eager to see what her eyes were seeing, to ingrain something spectacular deep inside her memory.

blackbox | kirishima eijirouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora