Chapter 4

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I sighed gently looking at the clock on the wall. It was 10 in the morning. I bit my lip before I walked over to the hall-way putting on my trainers and putting on my jacket.

"Bella..." Steven said as he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

I looked back at him as I spoke "I have to find Caleb." I told him as I pulled my hair up into a messy bun so the wind would not tussle my hair around and push it into my eyes.

"Do you know where to look for him?" Steven asked as he sighed softly. I knew from the look in his eyes, there were certain places that Caleb could be. "I'll go with you...Jas stay here, in case Caleb decides to come back on his own before we get back." he said and Jason nodded.

" mind need this." Jason said as he came back with a little plastic bag after a while. I peered inside to see some sandwiches and something to drink. I had no idea how long the search would take, but at least Jason was thinking off that and the fact we might need something to eat and drink along the way.

Steven nodded as he grabbed the bag "Thanks." he said and he then gave me a slight nod as we walked outside of the house and down the steps that led their way straight past the little garden in front of the house and into the woods.

The sun was high up in the sky and it shone down on me and Steven through the canopy trees. I let Steven lead as he knew his way around here, more than I did. I shielded my eyes from the hot burning sun when I looked around, my eyes taking all of the beauty...the tranquility and the calmness in.

Steven looked over at me, he opened his mouth to speak, but I had a feeling that he wanted to say something else rather than: "Are you okay?"

"I am worried about Caleb.." I sighed softly and looked at him, I was not sure if Caleb did this often, but if he did I did not blame him. "Has he ran off like this before?" I asked after a few moments...careful to phrase the question.

He sighed softly as he nodded "A few was a bit worse when he was 17 and 18. Since then, this is the first time, he's done this again." he said and he looked down at me, as if he was inspecting me, to see if I was okay. I might have been a little sore, but I was fine. I was more worried for Caleb, then what state I was in at the moment.

"I don't blame him." I spoke softly as we walked through the woods, coming to a river. The only path to get across to the other side,was to cross the rocks. Steven started to go first and he held out his hand for me softly.

I set my hand in his as I stepped onto the rocks, trying to keep my balance as we both got across the wet and slightly slippery rocks onto the other side. Steven looked at me once we got to the other side "I think, Caleb might listen to you." he said "You seem like you could have been a good influence on him, if you met him a few years ago."

I bit my lip slightly thinking over what he said. I guessed, if I did meet Caleb a few years ago...when he was still the bad boy that he was back then, My life would have been different. Maybe if things would have been parents might still be alive. But I knew I could not change the past or turn back time. I would have to make do with what was going on now.

"You think, I could have gotten to him back then?" I asked looking up at Steven, raising my eyebrow slightly.

Steven chuckled a bit at my eyebrow raise. "Yes...I am sure." he said as he then stopped all of a sudden. I looked around and noticed we stopped in a graveyard.

It seemed rather big and I wondered if Caleb was anywhere to be seen. "Caleb?" I called out softly. "Caleb!" Steven joined in with me. We called for Caleb for around 10 minutes, but nothing. I stopped again at another spot in the graveyard when I noticed flowers were placed by a certain grave, it seemed like someone kicked it away or the wind blew it off. I kneeled down and placed them back arranging them in a nice shape. That's when I noticed what was written on it: Thomas and Vivian Danvers.

I took a shaky breath...Caleb's parents. I noticed that his mothers life slipped away from her hands only 2 years ago. I sighed gently as I stood up back again. I felt sorry for Caleb, losing someone who brought you up was never enough and if Jason's fathers was right about the death of his made it all that much worse.

Steven looked at me with gentle eyes and held out his hand for me. I set my hand in his softly and then followed him back away from the graveyard. We took a little break by the river and had something to eat. I breathed in the fresh air that surrounded us both as I finished off my sandwiches and took a sip of water.

"I think they went this way." A voice near by sent shivers down my entire body. It was the voice that belonged to man that was after me. I looked at Steven with fear, who registered the voice as well.

Steven looked back at me, setting his finger to my lips, leaving the bag there as he picked me up into his arms and he made his way quickly across to the other side, before he broke into a ran, but he kept as silent as it was possible. He was rather fast and it almost seemed like we were floating in the air, as his feet were so silent against the forest floor. As I kept my arms around him, my fingers felt something slightly ragged on his shoulder blades...It felt like a scar of somesort. It sent a strange tingling sensation down my hands. It was almost warm and it felt like nothing would ever harm me again. It was a rather odd feeling. I shook it out of my head slightly as Steven slowed down when we got to the cliffs. I looked around and down to see few people were on the beach.

I got down from his arms softly, standing back on my two feet once again and I then followed him down from the cliffs to the beach, as there was a little path. The path beneath us was slightly shaky and before I could move another step...part off the bath crumbled beneath and I gasped as I fell with the rocks and straight into the water...Steven fell too and we both landed in the water with a big splash. As I came up to the top, I coughed out some water and shivered...the water was bit cold. I noticed how freaked out some people were.

"Are you okay?" Steven asked me and I gave him a slight nod as we both swam back to the shore. Once we were on the shore, I took off my jacket squeezing the water from it. I looked around and noticed Caleb was not here.

Steven was squeezing water from his clothing too and he shook out some of the water from his hair. I let my hair down squeezing the water out, before I then pinned it back up into a bun. Steven then began walking again so I followed him, he walked off into the deserted part of town and I stopped when we came to a what looked like a burned down house or building off some sort. There was piles of rubble every-where. I saw Caleb was standing by the burned out staircase so I ran over and began to push things that were in my way. I winced at how heavy some of it was, whilst other things turned into ash just at my touch.

When Caleb turned around...his face looked pale and he had a distant look in his eyes "Caleb." I said softly touching both of his cheeks, cupping his face in my hands gently, my eyes searching his. I heard Steven right behind me, he stopped a few inches away.

Caleb finally noticed I was there "Be...Bella." his voice came out shaky. "You're okay." he said, I could see the pain in his eyes and hear it in his voice. I leaned against him as he wrapped his arms around me tightly hugging me against him.

"I am okay." I repeated softly as I hugged him and held him close. I rubbed his back gently as I closed my eyes softly and stayed close to him. I heard him start to sob and his tears ran down my back soaking in through the material of my already damp clothing.

"I am sorry." I heard him whimper through his tears. I leaned my forehead against his shoulder softly as I rubbed his back soothing still. I then softly pulled back and wiped his tears softly with my thumb.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I told him, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

Steven looked at us and I heard him sigh softly "Come on...let's get us home." he said. I knew he felt bit uneasy because of what happened in the woods earlier on. I for one did not want that to happen again.

I wrapped my arm around Caleb's waist softly as he got away from all the rabble and back on normal..unburnt ground and made our way back home. I let my self lean against Caleb softly, it felt comforting...not just for him, but for me aswell.

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