Chapter 3

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That night, when I went to bed. I fell straight asleep as soon as my head hit the warm, soft pillows. I snuggled into the tender and clean duvets and slept like someone knocked me out. The bed was so comfortable, it made me feel safe and like I could sleep in this bed all day long. It was more luxurious than my old bed I used to have. I was not sure, I was used to such a thing. But maybe now, I'd get used to this.

I woke up in the morning, when the morning sun shone in through the window. I stretched on the bed and fell off, as I misjudged the distance and landed on the carpet with a soft thud "Ouch..."

I heard hurried footsteps as Caleb rushed into my room and was by my side, helping me get up from the floor "Are you okay?" he asked, as he looked down at me, trying to asses if I had any injuries and if I was feeling okay.

I looked up at him and I gave him a reassuring smile as I nodded softly. "Yeah...just misjudged the distance of how much room, I had for stretching." I explained with a soft smile. He nodded as we walked out of the room to join Jason and Steven in the kitchen, I could hear their laughter and banter all the way from my room.

I stopped when a knock came on the door. I looked at Caleb who was focused on the door, as if he was trying to predict who was there. He looked still as a rock and I bit my lip worried "Caleb?" I asked softly, touching his arm gently with my hand.

He looked down at me, his eyes wide with alert. "Come on." he said as he carried on walking and we both came into the living room, where Steven was with Jason and an older man...The older man was rather tall as well, with dark hair. I noticed Jason's uneasy look as he was trying to hold his breath. It kind of looked like he was trying to suppress his anger and stop himself from screaming. As my eyes darted between the strange visitor and Jason, I could not help but notice, that there was some resemblance between the two of them. Maybe this man was his father? I bit my lip as I noticed Steven looked bit shifty, like he was trying not let his guard down, while Caleb did not look at ease either.

The man spoke as soon as he noticed me standing beside Caleb "!" he said. I knew the words were not aimed at me, his eyes were dark as he gave Caleb the most coldest look I ever seen a person give to another one. The looked send chills down my spine as I looked at Caleb, whose face seemed to harden.

"Leave Caleb alone!" I heard Jason utter. The man snapped his attention to Jason who spoke.

The man smirked softly "I do not get...why you keep defending him." he spoke and his eyes landed on me, it felt like he was undressing me mentally. I swallowed, feeling uncomfortable as his dark eyes traveled around my entire body, taking in every single feature...structure of my posture, my body. It was as if he was trying to get an x-ray image of me. I noticed the way Jason was balling his hands up into fists, while Steven was now glaring and Caleb was trying not to tremble beside me. I moved my body forwards, trying to move to Jason to try and calm him down, but I felt the man's hands on me. One on my waist and the other one on my left wrist. His grip was stopping me from moving..from struggling against his grip.

"Now...what have we here?" the man purred right inside of my right ear. His cold breath tickled my skin, in an rather unnerving way. It made me feel rather uncomfortable. I winced at how tight his grip on my waist was, as well as my wrist. He turned me around in his grip and he brought his hand to my face and gripped both sides using just his one hand as he looked me over more carefully "I did not expect my son to settle down with someone of the likes of you." he spoke...his voice cold, emotionless...harsh.

I was not sure if I should feel more confused or offended. He was basically telling me, I was not good enough. It kind of stung...I tried to compose myself. "Why? because I am a blonde?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

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