"Another day, Another Fun time with Sayori"

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Akai's P.O.V

I woke up the feeling of someone shaking me...So weird..."Wake up...Akai...Wake up," ??? said, only hearing that made me sleepy even more...I then felt a slap on my face, I immediately woke up and jump out of my bed, "WOAH WHAT WAS THAT!"  I shouted in panic, "It's just me idiot," Rei said, I looked at him, "Why did you slap me?" I ask, "WELL, you were sleeping, I was trying to wake you up, you couldn't wake up, I even tried that chocolate bar on you, but it didn't wor-" I cut off Rei with the excitement of chocolate in me, "DID YOU SAY CHOCOLATE!?" I shouted with excitement showing stars in my eyes, "Ya, but I ate it" Rei said smirking, "WHAT YOU ATE IT!?" I shouted, Yuu then came in, "What's with all the shouting?" Yuu asked, "REI ATE MY CHOCOLATE~~" I whined, Yuu sighed, "Just a chocolate, sheesh...Here, if it makes you feel better..." Yuu said as he gave me his chocolate, "YAY!, thanks Yuu, you're the best!" I said I looked at Rei and stick my tongue out at him, he got pissed and went out of the room, "Ehehe~" I laughed, I then opened my chocolate and ate them.

After I ate, I proceeded to take a bath in the bathroom, after I finished that, I wore my uniform, went downstairs, and ate breakfast; We then went to school with Sayori, we've talked about all the things we would do when the festival comes since it's 2 days away from the festival, I mean, we could do many things, read poems, go and visit club to club, and watch the fireworks, now that's fun.


The school's over and before I know it, it felt like it just fast forwarded, so weird, but then again it's just a game so time in here doesn't matter to them, I wonder when we'll get home though, I stood up and pack my things, I then went out and walked towards the club room once I finished, walking down the corridors I find Sayori walking, "Hey Sayori~" I said as I ran towards her, she looked back, "Huh, Oh hey Akai" Sayori greeted me with her genuine smile, I smiled, "Is the rainclouds going away?" I asked, "Mhm, but some are still in though..." she said, "Well that's fine, at least most are going away right?" I said, "Mhm, it's better than nothing," she said, "Let's go?" I asked leading her the way, she giggled and nodded, we then walked to the club, again once we got there, we greeted the others, as I look around Y/N and Monika is still not found, they're late again then...After a while, I and Sayori were talking, just then Y/N and Monika came in, greeted us and apologized again, and just went to do their business.

While Sayori and I were drawing some art to pass the time, Monika came to us and asked us to bring some supplies to the club, I glanced at Y/N, he signed me to do it, I nodded, looked at Monika, "Sure, I'll help Sayori along the way" I said, "Okay then! make sure nothing goes wrong okay?" she said, I nodded, "Uh huh, we won't" Sayori replied, then Sayori and I proceeded to go to other classrooms for supplies, along the way, we decided to check out the art room, where obviously the art supplies are supposed to be, as we got there, some troubles were handled, Sayori found some crayons then the next thing happened is that she bumps her head once she stood up, so I had to get some cold drink for her bump, right now were carrying the supplies to the club, as for Sayori, she's trying to cover her bump with her bangs, "Sayori stop moving your bangs and just put the cold drink on your bump okay" I said, "Okay...But it still hurts..." she said, I smiled, "Hey what's that smile for?" she asks, "It reminds me of when I first bump my head when I was little, ahaha, it was damn funny, because when Y/N gave me the cold drink, I thought he wanted me to drink it, so I drank it" I said laughing, Sayori smiled and laughed.

When we got to the Literature club, Sayori slid the door open and lead the way, I followed and put the supplies on the table, "Thanks Akai, Sayori, I couldn't have done it without you, anyways let's start the reciting?" Monika said, "Sure and you're welcome, it's fun to help people on the way," I said smiling, "Right Sayori?" I said as I look at her, as I look at her, she's clutching her bump, "What happened to Sayori?" Monika asked, "SHe bumped her head," I said, "Aww~ that's awful, take care of her first okay!" Monika said, "Mhm" I replied, I then went towards her, "You know...If you keep worrying about your bump, it wouldn't heal" I said leaning to her, "Sorry sorry, I just don't want anyone to worry..." she said, "Hey...It's fine if someone worries about you, I mean I am worried about you, ya know, and I hate it if you keep talking about negative things about it, so don't let that depression get you, because that'll just slow you down..." I said, she looked at me, she smiled, "Thank you..." she whispered, "Welcome" I said, after that, we started the poem reciting, Monika went first then Y/N then followed by whoever wants to go next, we then finished after that.

I stood up and packed my things, looked at Sayori, "Let's go?" I asked, Sayori nodded, "Aww~ look at you two, always going home together," Monika said, "Mhm, it looks cute to look at it" Y/N added, "Aha, thanks you guys" I replied, "Let's go Sayori" I said and held her hand, "Hah, Akai's got a girlfriend~" Rei said, "Say's the person who hasn't got one" I said, "Whatever you say Akai, but take good care of her" Rei said, "Sure..." I said and walked with Sayori to her house.

Once we got there, I and Sayori said our goodbyes, hugged each other and I walked to the house, but I realized something, I walked back to Sayori, "Hey Sayori, want to hang out today?" I asked, "You want that?" she asked, "Mhm, let's spend time together again," I said, she smiled, and dragged me in her house. We both played toys, played tag out of the house, and made faces with each other, at midnight, I made dinner for Sayori, we then ate, I finished eating first, and secretly went to her room without notice, as I go to her closet, I started looking for something, I then felt a sharp thing on my finger, I tried not to shout or make a noise, I sighed and breath, I then took what's inside, it's a knife, I put them in my bag, and proceeded to find it again, I didn't find it in her closet so I proceeded to find them in her drawer, once I opened the drawer, I found it, I found her noose, I took the noose, and put it in my bag, zipped it, and went outside to find Sayori watching TV, "There you are Akai, where were you?" she asked, "I went to the bathroom, sorry for the wait," I said, "Oh okay then and it's fine" she replied, I walked towards her, "You should get to bed Sayori, it's getting late" I said, she nodded and went to her room, I followed, she went to bed and I tucked her in, "Good night Sayori..." I whispered and kissed her forehead, "Good night...Akai..." she whispered and went to sleep hugging her plushie, I quietly went out of her room, gently closed the door and left.

When I get home I opened the door, only to find Y/N and Yuu talking, while Rei and Natsuki cook food, I walked towards Y/N, "I found the noose and the knife..." I said, "Hm? already, impressive, good job Akai" Y/N said as he looked at me, "Give it to me and let's destroy this..." he said, I nodded, and gave it to him, Y/N went outside to the backyard, Yuu and I followed, once we got there, Y/N pulled out the flamethrower, he dropped the noose and knife down in a plastic, he then fired it in the inside and closed the plastic, we then watched the fire going as the wind hit us, making the fire even bigger, we watched it burn to pieces until it turns to ashes, once it turned to ashes, we cleaned it up and threw it in the garbage, we then came back inside the house and washed our hands, hid the flamethrower and went downstairs to eat dinner, after eating we all went to our rooms and slept.


HAH!, we're almost to the end people, anyways...Should I add a book 2 about this? or Nah, because I have some few ideas that would be a little dramatic for some reason, so just decide it for me, write book 2 or nah, anyways


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