Chapter Three

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As Tekinya walked into the chorus room, she was about to sit next to Shauna who shared this class with her when the chorus teacher called her over. "Yes, Mrs. Trancer?", Tekinya responded. Mrs. Trancer was a sweet, soft voiced woman, quite easily one of Tekinya's favorite teachers. She was one of the only teachers she actually respected at school.

"Can you take this stack of papers to Coach Jones? Just tell him it's from the last teacher's planning day, he'll understand." Mrs. Trancer said with a smile to Tekinya.

Tekinya returned a smile and nodded. "Yes, ma'am." She said as she walked to the gym. As she walked to the gym, a song was stuck in her head. "You know my other side. I can no longer hide. Let you down so many times. Sin freshly crucified." A song her grandmother was singing just that morning as everyone was getting ready for their day. "Thought that I had a plan. I had it all figured out." One she knew very well and used to love singing as a child. "But the more that you try to be by my side, the more I push you out."

Once in the gym, Tekinya realized she was singing, loud enough that she knew others could hear, and stopped in the middle of the song. "Why am I even-...Coach Jones!!" She yelled across the gym.

The couch jogged over to Tekinya, the chain around his neck bouncing in pace with his strides. "Usidan! You aren't skipping are you?" Coach Jones asked her.

Tekinya rolled her eyes at him. "No, Coach." She hated when teachers would always assume she was cutting class, though she did it quite frequently.

"Oh, then why are you here?" Coach Jones asked with his arms folded.

"Uh..." Tekinya, being the curious (or nosy, rather) person she was, she looked around to see who was in gym this period. She froze when she saw Derek Richardson standing off to the side, bent over, trying to catch his breath from just running a few laps around the gym with other students. "Uh, Mrs. Trancer told me to bring you this. She said it's from the last teacher's planning day." She said as she kept her eyes on the couch to not cause her words to stumble.

"Ah! Thank you, Usidan." Coach Jones said before taking the stack. "Tell her I'll start on them at lunch." He said as he walked off.

"Yes, sir." She said as she looked back at Derek and then quickly turned away and started for the door.

Suddenly, a soft but clear and strong tenor voice behind her sung the rest of the song she walked into the gym singing, exactly where she left off. "Lord, make me over." The voice sung. "Make me over again." Tekinya almost froze in place. She wanted to turn to face the source of the voice, but for some reason, her body didn't. She walked through the doors of the gym and back to the chorus room.


When she entered the room, the class was sitting down with pencils and papers. "Coach said he will start on it at lunch." Tekinya said to Mrs. Trancer. The teacher simply nodded and smiled at her. "Thank you, Ms. Usidan."

Tekinya took a seat next to Shauna. "We are working on writing duets. Shauna said you would be her partner. Feel free to get started. We will present what is done today and continue tomorrow." Mrs. Trancer said softly.

"Yes, ma'am." Tekinya smiled as she got out a piece of paper and a pencil. She let out an involuntary giggle as she thought about how Derek's voice sounded. So soft, yet strong. Delicate, yet firm.

"Girl, you in dream land over there?" Shauna said, snapping her fingers in Tekinya's face, as if to snap her from her thoughts.

"My bad." Tekinya said apologetically. "Just lost in thought I guess."

"Must be nice. Seem like you were having some pleasant thoughts...wait!" Shauna gasped softly and her smile grew bigger and bigger. "You went to the gym. Doesn't church boy have gym class?"

"Shauna, don't start." Tekinya looked away quickly.

"Ooh, someone saw their man and now you're daydreaming. I see you, girl." Shauna giggled. "Ain't nothing wrong with it. Everybody ain't able, sis."

"Oh my gosh, stop it." Tekinya couldn't help but laugh. "He isn't my man, but I did see him." She admitted.

"Well, what about this meeting has you smiling like a little schoolgirl, hm? Details, girl! Details!" Shauna said as she placed her pencil down.

"No, we have work to do." Tekinya said as she looked at her paper.

"That isn't due till tomorrow and you have my number. We can do this at home. Come on, Teki." Shauna urged.

"Fine." Tekinya gave in and told Shauna about her singing randomly as she normally did and the song she was singing, and how she froze up when she saw Derek. When she told Shauna about Derek singing in the gym, Shauna squealed softly, as to not disrupt the class. "Girl, the prom is in y'all future. He just need to ask you and y'all are gonna have so much fun, because y'all cute and ain't even dating yet." She said, as to put emphasis against Adrianna's doubts.

"Whoa, Shauna. Slow it on down. We are just friends." Tekinya corrected.

"Not with all the smiling you was doing, like a blushing bride. You can fool yourself, but not me." Shauna said with a smirk. "I don't care what Adrianna says, y'all would be fine together at prom and I just know you'll enjoy yourself."

"Shauna, work, song, duet, remember?" Tekinya pointing to her paper. She didn't like having this type of attention. It made her blush; something she was very unused to it.

Shauna sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine. But I'm sticking by what I said." She said as she grabbed her pencil and they began working on their duet.

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