chapter one

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It isn't easy, being one of us.

Most of the time it gets us killed in horrible, painful, gross ways. Honestly, we spend a good chunk of our lives trying to survive the dangerous, crazy things that get in our way. Try not to worry. If you're lucky, then you're a completely normal.

But if you are one of us, I can't tell you anything about our lives, as you could end up finding out who you are. And one that happens, your innocent 'normal' life will end. Permanently.

Chapter 1

The projector in the front of the class exploded. Two men in ancient clothing, who had bean walking up and down the room blabbering about some kind of constitution, faded away and blipped into nothing it was hardly a surprise. What more could you expect of a class D facility?

I shook my head couldn’t the school afford a decent projector? Problem not if they could they would also be able to afford better and newer holograms in the first place

It seemed like things where falling their typical Monday routine. Just for once I wonted to make it through a day of school where the old erumpent didn’t do moor harm to my education than natural boredom

It was bad enough that I have to taker ancient civilization class but to add an insult to that injury, it was beginning to look like he was going to have to learn it out of a pepper book that half the pages where ripped out. Although paper or not I didn’t to find history interesting or other subject for that matter

The teacher calmed the class down and picked up the chalk just grate I have to take notes. Why are these old civilizations so impotent anyway? Why can’t they teach something that dos not put the whole class to sleep?

“As you see class “ the teacher said and scribbled a shape on the blackboard and she placed a dote in the middle of it this was the capitol of the United States of America”

A student from the front of the room raised his hand “what is the united states”

The teacher was about to awsner the students question but an air motor car zipped past the window and blew a strong wind into the class room it was a hot autumn day and being on the sixth floor of the equitation building for the D ranked citizens 

         “People driving so close to a school zone should be written up I should report them next time ill get the license plate info” the teacher muttered under her breath

Just then the class room doe opened and to men dressed in black entered the class room they where the assigners they assigned everything from your wife to your class to your job, depending on your class and sadly we get the jobs with the most work

I was inheriting my fathers brooder shoulders and naturally blit figer I would probbley be assigned as the same thing my father was doing lifting carts at the space port

The assigners walked or glided to the teacher and said something in her ear

“Alexander cross “ she called my name why my name nobody gets ascended until the day your grads stay at a stand still and don’t move but I got a B on my test that week when I usually get C’s of when your parents die but my dads safe in a space port

“Stand Alexander you have to respect them there here for you and if you don’t respect them” I stood and they walked over to me and took out a scanner I got worried at first because my dad always whatever it costs that I should never be caught by them and get my eye Scand u see when your born you get a tattoo on the inner eyelid and it’s a bar and it has a magnetic force in it and when they take the scanner to your eye they can get everything inside you your blood type your amount of sleep and most importantly if you got exposed by a chemical called G, G is a complex chemical that can give u supper natural powers and the kids that do have it are never seen agent once they take them there gone I was exposed to the comical as a kid I don’t quite know why or how but I happened and know its in my blood stream the scanner was brought closer to me and I only had 60 seconds

I ducked under the scanner and kicked the assigner’s leg out from underneath him I went the other one and aimed a punch at the face but he was quick and got me off balance and I fell face first onto the dust floor of the class room

And that was it

I was on the floor, I got scanned they dragged me out of the class room and into the bathroom across the hall and stuffed my face in the sick

“Remove the fake lenses” one men said they where tall one was taller than me and the other was not they were sunglasses I didn’t notes’ that before I went to the mirror before they were going to yell at me again how did they know I was warring contacts I removed my contacts in my eyes it was a gray lens that everyone’s eye cooler was except the kids that had G in them my startling bright blue eye came out with yellow in the middle they where a crystal blue light I looked at my self in the cracked merrier

My black hair was shaggy but curly and the pendent my father gave me hung around my neck I was warring a black shirt that when I didn’t have my contacts in made my eyes look so bright my dark gray blue jeans had dust on them from when I fell but I brushed that off

The to assigners behind me where trying to flank me but I kicked one of there shins and the assigner fell to the vary dirty bathroom floor but the man shrieked like a girl and he /she fell this through me odd and the taller one of the to grabbed me and held onto me the he shorter one picked her/himself up off the ground and took the hood behind her head and copper hair so bright it fell out of the choke and around her it was to her waist and flooded around her

“Let me have him this one id to much trouble let me nock him out please Rysha Ill make it quick”

The quick thinking girl was only about my age and her eyes where an emerald green she had freckles sprinkled around her face and she was beautiful she had a puppy dog face on bagging the bigger dude to knocked me out I felt his body relax a little and I thought he was going to let her

“Lets explain to him “

“Your no fun” her voice was disappointed

“Alexander we both new exposed to g the chemical –“he got cut off there was a big crass and they both stiffened at the notice the took off there cloaks and stuffed them in the sink getting them socked and then they dumped them in the corner this was there first look I have seen of the gut he had dark brown hair and a thick scar going from his eye down to the collar bone and on that side his scar his eye was a milky Wight he was dressed in a tight black shirt that had a weapons belt going accost his muscular chest daggers and arrows where strapped on it a bow was sung to his back along with another quivers of arrows the girl was no longer pouting she was in battle mode when had a golden whip wrapped along her arm and  blade was on her back the tight pants and top showed off her bodey 

“We need to move” the girl said, “oh and by the whey my name is Grace and my friend here is Rysha where here to protect you” 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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