Chapter 1

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The plane landed with a thud, shaking the seats violently. Meiza always hated flying. The constant fear of wondering whether the engines would fail because a bird got stuck in it tired her out. She immediately got down as soon as the pilot said so.

She stepped outside and breathed in the fresh but also polluted air of Shanghai. It felt good to be on the ground again.

Meiza's bodyguards marched beside her, tall and proud, as she made her way inside the crowded airport. She thought that it was crowded because of the amount of passengers but in reality it was all just the paparazzi waiting to get a picture of Shanghai's 'Young Female Prodigy'.

She walked hastily towards the exit, in an attempt to avoid the media, as her bodyguards gathered her luggage. She kept walking until she heard her name in an all-familiar voice. Her face immediately lightened up.

"MEIZA!!!" someone yelled with all their strength, stopping Meiza in her tracks. She looked up and saw her brother with a few other people, waving back at her. Her smile widened and her heart pattered with excitement.

"MEIZUO!!!" she gasped excitedly and ran to her brother with open arms. They embraced each other so tightly, savouring each other's presence after so long. Meiza couldn't believe how much her older brother had grown since the last time she saw him, which was about eight years ago. They hugged for a good fifteen minutes before breaking apart.

"I can't believe you're really here! I missed you so much!" Meizou said tearing up. Meiza teared up a bit too. She cupped her brother's face and grinned.

"I missed you too, Ahia!" Meiza smiled and they hugged again. They broke apart and then Meiza turned to the others. She couldn't really recognize some of them and she was sure she had never met a few that were here. She wondered why they were here in the first place.

She turned to the first guy closest to her and squinted her dark brown eyes at him. He repeated the action playfully. Her eyes lightened in realisation.

"Wait... XIMEN?!" she cried and he laughed whole-heartedly.

"MEIZA!" He exclaimed and they hugged tightly. She couldn't believe how handsome he had become. The one person who used to annoy her the most had become a new but irritatingly flirtatious man - except the annoying part was still ever so present. Beside him stood a tiny, cute-faced girl with short, brown hair.

"Meiza, this is Xiaoyou!" Ximen introduced happily and the girl smiled, shaking Meiza's out-stretched hand gently.

"Nice to meet you Xiaoyou! Is this one permanent Ximen?" she joked and Xiaoyou laughed in response while Ximen gave Meiza a death glare.

"You would've thought that after all these years, Meiza would've become nicer. But she just got more evil!" someone retorted and Meiza turned to the next person who was impatiently waiting.

"I see you're still the same immature rascal, Si!" She chuckled and he huffed but gave her a tight hug anyway. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Meiza," he said genuinely and then he nudged the girl standing next to him. "Hey say hi!"

She nudged him back, giving him a look and said, "I was going to!"
She then turned to Meiza and smiled, stretching out her small hand. "Hello! I'm Dong Shancai, I've heard a lot about you!"

"Hi it's nice to meet you! Congratulations by the way!" she smiled down at her, amused at the little blush on both hers and Si's face blushed.

Meiza turned to another girl who she had never seen before but knew of her because of her name: Xiaozi. After introducing herself to Xiaozi, she turned to the last person standing there, a little away from the group. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw him - he had grown up so much and become so handsome.

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