Chapter 21: Waiting For The Right Time

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Emily's p.o.v
Stephen came back from his trip with the guys yesterday but it was so late I didn't tell him. Now I'm thinking that I should wait a little bit for it to really sink in for me first before I tell him, and how to. Stephen and I are going out tonight I don't know where because he won't tell me. But we're just spending the rest of the day at home. This is the last week we have before going back to work. So I'm trying to just be as lazy as possible all week and Stephen is to.

Stephen's p.o.v
Tonight is the night that I ask Emily to marry me. I have it all planned out I'm going to take her to the set where we first met. Then after she says yes, like I'm hoping she will. We're going to a party with all are friends and family that I could get to come to celebrate the engagement.

No ones point of view
They spent the rest of the day on the couch watching a bunch of movies including some Infinity War witch made Emily cry.
"He didn't want to go. Why did he have to go. Did you hear him he didn't want to go".
The only thing that he could reply with was " I know honey" while he held her. Thinking to him self why this made her cry so much.
They stayed there all day watch more movies after Emily had calmed down. Both of them had a secret. Stephen sat there waiting for bight to come, he could wait for Emily to be his wife.

A/N next chapter will be Stephen's wedding proposal. Now go and binge and rewatch arrow. Bye.


A Forbidden Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora