Chapter 8

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*2 weeks later*

Bucky got a sub so he could go with Emma to their first doctor's appointment they were sitting in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come in. They hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy just the engagement and the upcoming wedding that is going to be following month. The doctor came in and said "Ms Emma it's good to see you." 

"Hey." she said 

"So let's see no period since July and we are now going into mid September so that is usually right around the time most women start to notice everything. Now tell me what you symptoms you have been experiencing." the doctor said

"Um sore breasts nausea frequent urination bigger appetite and I'm tired all the time" she said

"Don't forget mood swings baby." Bucky said 

"oh yeah that one too." she said with tears in her eyes 

The doctor seen them and said "Crying a lot too." 

She wiped the tears that fell and Bucky seen it and said "I'm sorry baby I was just telling him you have been having those too." 

"Why don't you lie back for me Emma and we will see what's going on." he said 

Emma laid down on the exam table and the doctor did a papsmear and then started up the ultrasound before they saw anything they heard the heartbeat and then he said "Emma your mama has twins right." 

"Yeah two girls why?"she said

"Cause you are pregnant with twins you are roughly 12 weeks." he said as he put the ultrasound on the screen. 

Emma said "Tttt" as she sat up and she looked up at the screen and said "ttt" and her eyes rolled and she fell back on the table. Bucky ran over to her and said "Emma baby wake up it's ok wake up" 

She started to come to and she looked up at him and he said"It's fine baby I knew there was possible chance of twins when you said that you had little twin sisters it's ok." 

"We don't have room for 3 kids Bucky." she whispered through tears 

"We will make it work baby I swear." he said

The doctor came back in and said "Ok let's finish up the appointment ms Emma" 

"ok" she said 

"You are due in April and you need to take prenatal vitamins no heavy lifting and come back in 3 weeks." the doctor said 

He gave them copies of their ultrasounds and they left to go pick up Bailey from daycare and went home. That night she was asleep with Bailey on her chest on the couch while Bucky was making supper he came out to say dinner was ready when he seen them. He smiled and took a picture of it and made it his lockscreen on his phone. 

"Emma honey supper is ready" Bucky said as he gently took Bailey off of her. 

"Mmm sorry baby I'm just really tired" she said as she yawned and woke up 

"I know you are packing two babies is going to get even more tiresome." he said with a smile. 

That night after they put Bailey to bed they called his parents first and said "Mom Dad we have some big news" 

"What is it" Winnie said 

"Emma is pregnant with twins" Bucky said 

"What?!" James said 

Bucky started laughing and said "You heard that right dad." 

"They are due in April." Emma said 

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