chapter 2 adventure to earth

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On his adventures, he noticed he was getting a little thirsty. Suddenly, he spotted a farmhouse. He thought for a second remembering the book that he read, mentioning that humans on this planet are quite hospitable. With that confidence in mind, he knocked on the door.

A woman appeared, "Can I help you young man?" She spoke with what Kal-el recognised as an "American accent". Kal-el said "Yes please I am a traveller and I happen to be a little lost. I've been walking for a while and I am wondering, do you have something to drink? I am a little thirsty." The woman looked surprised and said "Oh you poor thing! Of course we do! Please, please come inside." Kal-el walked inside. He looked around in awe "Wow, humans have very interesting interiors." He loved the look of the kitchen. After a few minutes, the woman appeared, presenting him with a drink. "Here you go son, fresh buttermilk. Good source of keeping the energy high!" Kal-el drank the white creamy liquid. He lit up in delight and thought it was extremely tasty. The woman noticed his cute expression and laughed "Good stuff eh?" He chuckled " Yeah! That's good buttermilk that ails you." The woman then looked at him strangely and said "That's what my husband always says." The woman's husband walked in suddenly with an amused expression on his face and jibbed, "What do I always say?" The woman started laughing, Kal-el gave a lopsided smile with embarrassment as he looked at the pair. "This young boy just said that favourite phrase you always say after you drink buttermilk." Kal-el went red. "I am sorry I forgot to say. My name is Clark."

The woman also introduced herself. Her name was Martha Kent and her husband was called Jonathan.

Martha asked Clark if he had a surname. Clark said "This might sound weird... but I'm not actually from here." Martha stared at him questionably "Oh you're not from around here? From another state I presume?" She said with a smile. Kal-el got nervous. After a pause he replied "I- Uh- actually... I'm from another planet." Martha blinked "Eh?" She started laughing until she saw Kal-el's stern expression and her laughter suddenly faded. "Wait, what do you mean?" She took a few steps back.

"Like I said, I'm not really from this planet. On my planet, we don't use surnames. That's why I couldn't answer your question." Kal-el lowered his head, afraid to witness their reaction. "And my true name is Kal-el, not Clark. I'm sorry I lied."

Martha and Jonathan could not believe what they just heard. The room stayed in an awkward silence for a while until Jonathan finally broke it by bravely asking, "Is there anything special you can do on this planet which you couldn't do back home?"

Kal-el thought for a long while until he answered "Yeah I can hover in mid-air." The couple were amazed when they saw Kal-el's feet gradually lifting off the ground. They could not believe what they were seeing. Martha eyes narrowed in suspicion. "How long are you staying here, on this planet?" Kal-el landed on the floor again and looked at her.

"Until I turn 30. The reason why I am here in the first place is because I wanted to travel and learn about all the other different planets on my own. My parents agreed to this as long as I came back once I turned 30 years. When I do return I intend on telling my family about my travels." "That's truly remarkable and scary at the same time." Jonathan commented. Another awkward silence fell until Kal-el got ready to go. The couple simply stared at him shamelessly "Can't thank you enough for the drink it was delicious. I have to go now though, thanks again." With that Kal-el said goodbye to the Kent's and headed on his way.

After the encounter, he returned back to his spaceship and headed back to his own planet. He was getting homesick and even though he was only 20 years old. He arrived home earlier than he expected. He felt like he had seen enough planets already even though he only travelled for 5 years. He finally arrived back home. It looked fairly the same from when he last saw it.  He noticed whilst landing that there was parts of building missing. He rushed to the throne room and there he saw his mum and dad. He went over to them and asked, "What happened to the buildings outside?" His father looked at his son relived. Finally he got to see him after so long. He told him that the planet was dying because the red sun was killing the planet. "We have to find another planet to live on. This one won't last very long now." Jor-el said solemnly. "Son why don't you quickly tell us about your journey?" So Kal-el told them about all the planets but told them mostly about earth. The parents were surprised to know that the Earth's sun was in fact yellow and the brightest Kal-el had ever seen. He also told them about how he was able to fly and was stronger.

His mother was very impressed "We loved your spaceship so much, that when you left, the kingdom decided to make a bigger spaceship for all the inhabitants of the planet, when we do leave." Kal-el was very impressed and asked his father, "dad, I recommend you find a planet with a sun like Earth's so our people can acquire all of the special abilities like I had on Earth." Jor-el loved the idea and asked his son.  "Kal-el, I heard that planet earth encounter many natural disasters and problems throughout my readings. I feel like humans are a complex species and could even perhaps be a danger to their own selves. As a kyptonian, I ask of you to go back and protect these people and be their hero."

Kal-el asked, "Father, how long l will I stay on earth?" Jor-el had a sad look on his face. " I have hesitated myself, but as king of this planet, I have my duties and also for you, as my son. When you arrive on planet earth you will remain for 10 years." Kal-el was shocked, his eyes widening hysterically, "but father-" "After your time is up, my advisers Ching and Zara will come to earth and escort you to our new planet. By then you will be able to rule wisely and teach our people how to avoid disasters, due to your found experiences on earth." Kal-el was not too happy, but understood his father wishes. With that he shook his father's hand before saying his farewell and going back to the spaceship where he finally departed. Whilst on his spaceship, behind him he noticed his people in the large spaceship escape planet while Krypton exploded. The meteorites hit lot of planets on the way. A big chunk of the planet hit earth.

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