Chapter 1-The sadnews

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Titaniums p o v

Beep beep beep..... Urgh
I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock shit it said 6:30am and i have less than 30mins to get to school some of you might be wondering who i am well I am titanium ok let me rephrase that my name is Titanium Johnson i am 17years old and I have two siblings twins to be precise George and Geoffrey Johnson they were born a year after me making them 16years old my parents are Lucy and Jeff Johnson and i go to Beverly high school am to be a senior next year while my  brothers juniors pretty cool right ok back to the  story i quickly got up went to the bathroom brushed my teeth did morning routines and then i went to my closet my parents are wealthy so we lacked for nothing I got out a back croptop ripped jeans black leather jacket and nike boots am not a nerd but i get straight As in school i took my phone and car keys i drive a Porsche by the way and went downstairs were my parents nd siblings were waiting already I grabbed some snacks greeted my parents and called my  siblings so that we could go to school as we were about to leave our parents announced that they will be travelling to Italy for a business meeting and will be  back by sunday we told them we loved them and left we got into the car and i sped off to hell oops I meant school when we arrived i went to my first class of the day which was Ap biology yeah am smart thanks after three more classes I went to my locker to keep my books and I heard snickering behind me Lo and behold the school slut alias queen bee of the school also known as my ex bestfriend was there with her group of minions and she spoke to me saying and i quote "geez isn't it the social wannabe of the school and i knew she was talking to me but the thing is that am not a nerd doesn't mean that i am popular i just liked to maintain a low profile and i asked her Sasha what do you want and she said stay away from my man with that she strutted off ok I don't even know who her man is i made my way towards the cafeteria because it was time for lunch as i entered the place became quiet for a while I made my way to the waitress and ordered for chicken and chips my favourite as i was about to turn i heard his voice the crush of my life Blake Harrington the schools badboy every girls wet dream teachers terror he was there behind me with  his friends Max, Jake,Troy and Samuel his clique then i heard a high pitched squeal babyyyyy is that you long time no kiss and Sasha kissed him right in my face she always knew i had a crush on him now i understood her earlier statement I couldn't bear it and walked away while her minions laughed at me after the horrible lunch we came to my  best class of the day gym as I went  into the  girls locker room I heard  whispers about how Sasha was going to bang Blake at the returning party she is holding on friday I quickly changed and left our gym teacher asked us to do 20laps around the field i took off and after about five laps i saw  some girls groaning while blake and his clique were in front i completed my laps and took a sip of water suddenly max came and  snatched it from me hey beautiful how are you doing  I saw you running the laps you  are  pretty  strong we sat  together and joked the  remaining period i turned to look at his friends and saw blake clenching his jaws finally school came to an end and my brothers got in my car and went home i got upstairs to my room changed into tank tops and booty shorts did my homework took a nap and dreamt of you guys know who am talking about  when i woke up it was dark and my brothers were playing video games and i was too tired to cook so i ordered pizza when it arrived i tipped the pizza boy and went to meet the GA as I call  them we scrolled through the channels nothing interesting going on so we decided to watch the news suddenly we heard there was a terrible crash and that one Mr and Mrs Johnson were identified i quickly increased the volume and lo and behold my parents pictures were displayed and i broke down in tears while I tried to comfort my brothers and my self the phone rang and my aunt  said  she  heard what happened and that she will be here by the weekend to come and pick us up and that  was how the week went by


A/n:this is my first time of writing on wattpad so there might be errors here and there just enjoy so how do you see it so far I need comnents

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